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How Tough Are The Streets In APB
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of May 2010 - 02:55 PM ]
From the look of things, they are extremely tough - even after the elected officials legalize vigilantism. That is music to our ears for what we are being promised for EA and Realtime Worlds' MMO APB. We want them to be rough and gruff. It is a action MMO version of Cops and Robbers after all. If you want to see for yourself how rough the streets are going to be, watch the trailer/opening cinematic for yourself. You'll get to see how no one really cares about graffiti in this town. Not to mention, you'll see a bit more of some in game action. Read More...
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Turn Your iPad Into A SNES
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 26th of May 2010 - 03:11 PM ]
We've seen all sorts of possible ports of games onto the iPad and iPod Touch, but now for the first time we get a full gaming station emulated entirely through the iPad and iPod Touch combo, that leaves Nintendo players salivating for more Super Nintendo games. Where the Woozle Wasn't brings us probably one of the best SNES emulators on the iPad that I've seen in a long time. Using an iPod Touch as a controller, connected via blue tooth,to the iPad, you can have up to four players at a time playing your favorite Super Nintendo games. Using the iPhone port by ZodTTD, iPad owners can now enjoy there favorite Nintendo games right in the comfort of there own laps! Read More...
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Does Nintendo Make Kid Games Or Games For People Of All Ages?
by Brian Goodman [ Tuesday, 25th of May 2010 - 05:51 PM ]
So I was reading an opinion piece on Kotaku all about how Shigeru Miyamoto thinks he makes game that appeal to people of all ages - not just kids. The writer of the Kotaku piece made the comparison between Nintendo and Pixar, who has made arguably the best animated films of all time that are characteristically appealing to young children and adults alike. Something didn't feel right to me about that comparison. As a HUGE fan of Pixar I thought to myself; what makes Pixar films successful? Read More...
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Review: Iron Man 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Sunday, 23rd of May 2010 - 07:14 PM ]
So you've read the comics. You've seen the film, most likely. You hopefully listened to the developer's call. Now you might be wondering if you should go through with playing Iron Man 2 the video game. Well let me tell you my thoughts to hopefully make up your mind on what you should do, or at least make a small impact on which way you sway. Before we get into the nitty gritty, I do want to warn that this game is based on the film. But only based as in it is in the same world as the film's events and also uses two of the cast for voice overs. Read More...
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Nintendo & American Heart Association To Get You Off The Couch
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 17th of May 2010 - 05:45 PM ]
Today Nintendo and the American Heart Association announced a partnership to get you off your couch and be active. Throwing around various statistics and knowing gamers, the two powerhouses look to empower gamers to become active, make time for exercise and enjoy getting fit. Along with the announcement comes the unveiling of a new website to inform users of how they can get involved at home using Nintendo products and across the country with AHA's Start! Heart Walks. As much as I want to be cynical and sarcastic about how this is simply a business move to sell more Wii's or how the AHA is just piggybacking on the success of Nintendo's console or how it is only a vehicle to sell the Wii Vitality Sensor, I'm going to restrain myself, be positive and optimistic. Read More...
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Games In A Flash - Robots And Mario
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 12th of May 2010 - 07:10 PM ]
This week's episode of Games In A Flash takes forty-eight survivors of a near-fatal plane crash who must learn to fend for themselves and fight the unusual smoke monster occurrences on a deserted island... Wait that's LOST... Well this week does get you a great mind bender, an awesome Super Mario remake, and a little top down shooter action. GravityMaster     If your an artist, I challenge you to use your skills and solve some of these puzzles. With a combination of art and physics, use your creativity to move a ball and collect all the black circles on the screen. Read More...
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Nintendo Wii To Have New Pack-ins, Color
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 4th of May 2010 - 05:36 PM ]
Nintendo announced today that beginning on Sunday May 9th, all new Wii consoles will ship with a copy of Wii Sports Resort, a wiimote, a nunchuck and a Wii Motion Plus. You will also have a choice between the classic white or the brand new black color. Now six months after the release of Wii Sports Resort and the Wii Motion Plus, Nintendo has waited an appropriate amount of time to make sure the bundled peripheral had plenty of legs, netting them the largest bundle of cash they could muster. They certainly did not want holiday shoppers to get a good deal. They wanted the system sale AND the Wii Sports Resort sale. Read More...
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We Will Soon Be Able To Torture More Sims On Consoles
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 28th of April 2010 - 05:10 PM ]
We all knew it was only a matter of time - with that time being yesterday (4/27/10) - before we could begin playing Hostel Sims 3 on our consoles. A game that we all know is the most fun when you are torturing these poor defenseless people or forcing them into really messed up relationships just in hopes of seeing two chicks hop into bed with each other. Don't deny it. You've tried and most likely succeeded in doing so. Read More...
Tags: Sims 3, EA, PS3, XBox, Wii, DS,
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Iron Man 2 Gets Its Prologue On
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 27th of April 2010 - 07:02 PM ]
Well it's coming closer to crunch time for Iron Man 2. Both for the film and videogame. So let's take a look at what we get to look forward to in the next week. At least as far as the videogame goes. Visually it is looking rather decent. As you can see from the below screen shots and new "prologue" trailer for the game. I mean they are not the best visuals known to the gaming industry, but for a movie tie in game you have to admit to yourself that they are pretty spectacular. Even though they do take on the cartoon feel to the whole style, but that is ok. Read More...
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The Ultimo Iron Man 2 Videogame
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of April 2010 - 11:23 PM ]
Last week we were lucky enough to sit in on the developer call for Iron Man 2: The Videogame. During the call, it was asked about further enemies and heroes to be shown in the game. Be it as full on characters or as background NPCs. If you listened to the audio, you would have heard that very little was given out. At least as far as new information and characters. Well looking below at the latest set of game screen shots and renders you will see that Ultimo has finally been shown. Read More...
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Iron Man 2: Beneath The Armor
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of April 2010 - 07:18 PM ]
Here we go with another film based game due out here soon. A few weeks from now soon at that. Not to mention one of the larger titles coming out this year for true uber geeks. Suck it sparklers. In any instance, I was able to join up on a conference call with Dean Martinetti, the game’s producer, and Mike McHale, the game's Development Director. Where we got to throw out our questions about the game as well as try to gauge on why we or anyone should pick up another film based game. Especially since the last one in this franchise was such a piss-poor adaptation. Read More...
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Review: Mega Man 10
by 345 [ Thursday, 15th of April 2010 - 03:08 PM ]
Mega Man 10 (available on XBLA, WiiWare, and PSN for 800 MS Pts/1000 Wii Pts/$10, respectively) is an incredibly fun and enjoyable entry in the classic Mega Man series. A follow-up to 2008's Mega Man 9 in more ways than just a new number, this game takes a lot of the feedback and criticism the latter had to craft one of the best sidescrolling experiences in years. While there isn't a whole lot Capcom and Inti Creates actually changed in the bigger scheme of things, Mega Man 10 features a lot of new tweaks and balance adjustments that make it far less threatening than its predecessor and more entertaining in the long run. While there are some tough areas in the game, overall I wouldn't call it difficult at all, and perhaps it is one of the most fair games in the series. Read More...
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This Week in Nintendo: 04-12-2010
by Binh Nguyen [ Monday, 12th of April 2010 - 03:51 PM ]
After being away for a couple of weeks, it is time for me to get back into the swing of things with This Week in Nintendo. Ever wonder what it would take to be King of L.A? Well you can through DSiWare with Gangster 2: Kings of L.A., where it gives you a shot at becoming Southern California crime royalty. Here is the full breakdown of releases for this week. ENJOY! Read More...
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Amazon Offering Free Transformers
by Andy [ Wednesday, 7th of April 2010 - 05:04 PM ]
That is if you pre-order Transformers: War for Cybertron from them and have held out from going to Game Stop to get your exclusive there. Oh and if you want to get Demolishor and not Shockwave that is. Yea, that's right. You can get Demolishor now if you pre-order on for Activisions new pursuit of money from hardcore fans. If you look a little lower here, you can see what each of these pre-order gems will look like when you crack open your PS3 or XBox copy of Transformers: War for Cybertron. No, they are not specific to console as that may have sounded. Read More...
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Metroid Other M For Mouth Watering
by Andy [ Thursday, 1st of April 2010 - 10:24 PM ]
We have been waiting nearly a year now since the game was announced at E3 last year to see anything substantial from Metroid: Other M. Well we wait no more. Below is a new trailer that shows everything from cinematics to gameplay to control structure. Kind of a nice big reveal for everything surrounding Metroid: Other M. I do have issues believing that this game is on the Wii juist because of how nice everything looks. I mean look at the in-game action and tell me that doesn't look like something the Wii would never be able to pump out. Read More...
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