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How Tough Are The Streets In APB
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of May 2010 - 02:55 PM ]
From the look of things, they are extremely tough - even after the elected officials legalize vigilantism. That is music to our ears for what we are being promised for EA and Realtime Worlds' MMO APB. We want them to be rough and gruff. It is a action MMO version of Cops and Robbers after all. If you want to see for yourself how rough the streets are going to be, watch the trailer/opening cinematic for yourself. You'll get to see how no one really cares about graffiti in this town. Not to mention, you'll see a bit more of some in game action. Read More...
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Calling All MMOs
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of September 2009 - 02:14 PM ]
Finally some great video on what playing a game of APB is going to feel like. At least if you can find a group of people online that are ok with having a good time and not trying to compete against each other to shame one another. People that you can imagine in control in this video. Like say for instance, the person that tried to use a car to take out someone. Or the person who was walking, looked over, and said, "Oh Shit! A Car! Read More...
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E3 Impressions of APB (All Points Bulletin)
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 3rd of June 2009 - 09:09 PM ]
APB, which stands for All Points Bulletin, is the upcoming Persistent Online Game from developer Realtime Worlds. It is a game in which players enter cities as one of two sides, an enforcer or a criminal. With up to 100 people per city, the two sides, as well as various gangs, are in a constant conflict. APB strives to make the gameplay more player driven, than game driven as with most Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) games. They like to consider it as a Dynamic Action Based game, not an MMO or a Role-Playing Game (RPG). Read More...
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