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This Week In Nintendo: (07/19/10)
by Binh Nguyen [ Monday, 19th of July 2010 - 11:37 PM ]
Yeah, I know it has been a while since we reported anything new on "This week in Nintendo," but here we are to bring you what is new with the latest downloads coming straight to you from Nintendo. Ever wanted to run a zoo or maybe you already have with the pets you have at home, but you don't want any more fur to attach to your cloths? Well this week Nintendo allows you to do just that with AquaSpace which lets Wii owners to transforms their T.V. Read More...
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This Week in Nintendo: 04-12-2010
by Binh Nguyen [ Monday, 12th of April 2010 - 03:51 PM ]
After being away for a couple of weeks, it is time for me to get back into the swing of things with This Week in Nintendo. Ever wonder what it would take to be King of L.A? Well you can through DSiWare with Gangster 2: Kings of L.A., where it gives you a shot at becoming Southern California crime royalty. Here is the full breakdown of releases for this week. ENJOY! Read More...
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The Week In Nintendo (3/22/10)
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 23rd of March 2010 - 04:45 PM ]
So since last week we had a comment about posting more XBox 360 DLC, I tried to do just that and this is what I found. Nothing. Well besides a over priced DLC for Modern Warfare 2. Anyways. In This Week In Nintendo, they bring to you a freeware that came out in 2004 for the PC call Cave Story. A world where rabbit-like creatures roam the world. Now if you aren't thinking about killer rabbits then I don't know what to say to you. Other than that there are five new titles for the Nintendo DSi for you to enjoy on the go. Read More...
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The Week In Nintendo (3/15/10)
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 16th of March 2010 - 05:46 PM ]
Yes it has been a while since the last time we posted something up from Nintendo. But now that the smoke has cleared, a.k.a school, and the dust has settled, a.k.a real life, we can get back on track with This Week in Nintendo. Ever wonder how tough you are in the video game world? Well this week you will tested when games like Rage of the Galdiator for the WiiWare when you go one on one with flurry of fearsome foes. Or you could face foes that are trying to suck your life away in Castlevania Rondo of Blood. Or you could try some of the other titles on the list. Read More...
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This Week Nintendo Download 11/9/09
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 10th of November 2009 - 04:32 PM ]
Its that time again folks where Nintendo brings to us a butt load of games for this week download. On the WiiWare side Nintendo wants you to gear up for Excitebike: World Rally, ready to cross the street with Frogger Returns, enter the magical world with Dragon Master Spell Caster. For the DsiWare Bomberman Blitz is ready to blow things up, 5 Electroplankton games are ready for you to download. Virtual Console brings you Wonder Boy III and Cybernoid. Here is the list and their description. Read More...
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The Week In Virtual Console
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 13th of October 2009 - 05:47 PM ]
Alright class the subject for this week is gravity, and we all know what goes up must come down. This week Nintendo has released 3 more wares for the Nintendo DSi, Virtual Console and Wiiware. First up for the Nintendo DS we have Pinball Pulse: The Ancients Beckon. If you haven't guessed already, it is a pinball game exclusively for the Nintendo DS. Next we have the classic beat 'em up game known as Final Fight 2 for the Virtual Console. And finally for the Wiiware you get to enter the arena to see if you will become the champion in Gravitronix. Read More...
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Nintendo DLC For The Week Of 9/21/09
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 22nd of September 2009 - 05:39 PM ]
Another week of download releases by Nintendo means another week of low-hanging fruit for criticism on the choices for DSiWare downloads. Also included in this week is another Commodore 64 game for Virtual Console. At this point, I wish there was a defensible position to take on some of these choices for DLC. We have five releases this week across the three platforms. The lone Virtual Console title, Last Ninja 2, is from the Commodore 64. Read More...
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Nintendo DLC for the Week of 8/24
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 24th of August 2009 - 10:17 PM ]
For the first time in more than a few weeks, Nintendo's weekly release of downloadable content (DLC) has spiked my interest. Believe me, this is for just more than a Star Wars game. Though I cannot play it myself, as I do not own a DSi, it finally looks like someone may have released a game on the DSiWare service that may be worth the DSi Points spent. Pop+ Solo for 500 DSi Points, from the screens and videos, looks like an excellent bite-size value for $5. Small and portable, the game fits into the kind of lifestyle you would expect from a DSiWare game you would always have on hand. Read More...
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Nintendo DLC for 8/10: Fly, Climb, Think and use the Force
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 10th of August 2009 - 04:11 PM ]
Every Monday I look forward to Nintendo's release of WiiWare, Virtual Console and DSiWare titles. I might be the only one now. In the recent weeks, the pickings have been mighty slim. So slim in fact, I feel sorry for people who purchased a DSi in hopes of purchasing and downloading quality software over the DSiWare Channel. I had thought to make a weekly column based on the Big N's DLC, but when a decent release only occurs once a month, there isn't much to report. I would like to write that everything this week is stellar, but that just isn't true. Read More...
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DSi and Wii Ware Releases for 7/20/09
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 22nd of July 2009 - 03:21 PM ]
Wii Ware as a platform has lead a dubious life since its inception a little over a year ago.  There have been the occasional hits like Lost Winds and World of Goo, but those are the exception rather than the rule to titles like Family Pirate Party and Pong Toss! Frat Party Games.  With over 100 titles and with more misses than hits, many have speculated that the Wii Ware platform would be killed off unceremoniously, much like someone gets played off-stage at the Oscar's.  Well let me tell you something: they may not have the wrong idea!This week, both DSi Ware and Wii Ware received puzzle games with Art Style: Zengage and 5 Spots Party, respectively. Read More...
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