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The Week In Nintendo (3/15/10)
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 16th of March 2010 - 05:46 PM ]
Yes it has been a while since the last time we posted something up from Nintendo. But now that the smoke has cleared, a.k.a school, and the dust has settled, a.k.a real life, we can get back on track with This Week in Nintendo. Ever wonder how tough you are in the video game world? Well this week you will tested when games like Rage of the Galdiator for the WiiWare when you go one on one with flurry of fearsome foes. Or you could face foes that are trying to suck your life away in Castlevania Rondo of Blood. Or you could try some of the other titles on the list. Read More...
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This Week Nintendo Download 11/9/09
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 10th of November 2009 - 04:32 PM ]
Its that time again folks where Nintendo brings to us a butt load of games for this week download. On the WiiWare side Nintendo wants you to gear up for Excitebike: World Rally, ready to cross the street with Frogger Returns, enter the magical world with Dragon Master Spell Caster. For the DsiWare Bomberman Blitz is ready to blow things up, 5 Electroplankton games are ready for you to download. Virtual Console brings you Wonder Boy III and Cybernoid. Here is the list and their description. Read More...
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