Pop+ Solo for 500 DSi Points, from the screens and videos, looks like an excellent bite-size value for $5. Small and portable, the game fits into the kind of lifestyle you would expect from a DSiWare game you would always have on hand. Since the Nintendo DSi's inception, the choices of quality downloads have been slim. With offerings like the Animal Crossing clock and calculator applications going for 200 points each, it's no wonder I've heard that people are saving their "free" DSi points received upon purchasing the handheld around the release date.
On the home console front, Super Empire Strikes Back gives you the power to become a Jedi, SNES-style, and Mr. Driller W looks to be a cute arcadey title from Namco Bandai. I feel confident in saying that you really could not go too wrong with any of this week's downloads. I would also like to give a recommendation for the full Nintendo DS release today of Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. I really enjoyed the first installment of this series as you can see from a review I did prior to my gig here and am very excited that they decided to bring this second title over from Japan.