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Review: Double Dragon: Neon
by Fred Buell [ Wednesday, 3rd of October 2012 - 04:58 PM ]
Double Dragon: Neon is as the developers say; "A love letter to the 80s" and it is that and so much more. Double Dragon: Neon brings us the return of the Lee brothers; Billy and Jimmy and their quest to save Marian, the staple of 80s games, "the kidnapped maiden". This time she has been kidnapped by a new villain, Skullmageddon. Skullmageddon is a giant skeleton armored in... Well a suit made from bones. Read More...
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Indie Game Of The Month: A Valley Without Wind
by Fred Buell [ Thursday, 28th of June 2012 - 06:33 PM ]
For all those lovers of classic action games or side scrolling RPGs; look no further than A Valley Without Wind. When I spoke with the developers from Arcen Games at PAX East last April, they had said they loved the old 2D actioners like Super Metroid, Castlevania and so on. They said the one thing they hate about those games is 'they end.' A Valley Without Wind plays just like the aforementioned games with a hint of MMO and one huge difference. It doesn’t end and the maps a randomly generated. Read More...
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Review: Mega Man 10
by 345 [ Thursday, 15th of April 2010 - 03:08 PM ]
Mega Man 10 (available on XBLA, WiiWare, and PSN for 800 MS Pts/1000 Wii Pts/$10, respectively) is an incredibly fun and enjoyable entry in the classic Mega Man series. A follow-up to 2008's Mega Man 9 in more ways than just a new number, this game takes a lot of the feedback and criticism the latter had to craft one of the best sidescrolling experiences in years. While there isn't a whole lot Capcom and Inti Creates actually changed in the bigger scheme of things, Mega Man 10 features a lot of new tweaks and balance adjustments that make it far less threatening than its predecessor and more entertaining in the long run. While there are some tough areas in the game, overall I wouldn't call it difficult at all, and perhaps it is one of the most fair games in the series. Read More...
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