I do have issues believing that this game is on the Wii juist because of how nice everything looks. I mean look at the in-game action and tell me that doesn't look like something the Wii would never be able to pump out. Just gorgeous and I can't wait to start rolling around and shooting everything. It has an awesome look to transition from platformer to FPS.
Although, even though it does look pretty I'm not that big on what looks to be the desired control set up for the game. I can't stand holding the Wii Mote sideways to play a game. It just does not feel right at all, and unfortunately it looks like the way you will have to play. I say that as it looks like you will have to hop from sideways to aiming real fast in some cases. That will not lend well you you are plugging in a classic controller to run and gun. But then again, they might have taken that into consideration, just not shown here.
In either case, watch in awe and look forward to more on Metroid: Other M real soon.