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Marvel Studios’ What If…? — An Immersive Story Is Coming To Let Us Play In The Multiverse
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 22nd of May 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
What If The Marvel show What If…? has a new experience coming out with the announcement of Marvel Studios’ What If…? — An Immersive Story If you are one of the few out there who happen to have an Apple Vision Pro, then get ready to enter some new multiverses with the announcement of Marvel Studios’ What If…? — An Immersive Story. A new interactive experience that ILM Immersive is working on with Marvel to give those who own the expensive hardware a taste of things to come. Read More...
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Take To The Sky With New Gameplay For The New Title
by Duke Searles [ Friday, 17th of November 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Sky We have some new gameplay for Sky to look at and see how Sky will be the same but different from the dev's other titles out there It has been a bit since we all first heard about ThatGameCompany's upcoming title Sky or at least saw any gameplay for the iOS title. A few months at this point, but now we are back to see some new footage for the game as well as have some of the developer's commentary on just what is going on in the game. We already knew that there would be a social aspect to it all as well as the ability to fly around the world, but here we get to see just how some of that plays into the larger side of Sky at the end of the day. It also looks like Light and Darkness will play into the core of it all as well which is something we have not seen until now. Read More...
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Get Ready To Take To The Sky With ThatGameCompany's Next Title
by Duke Searles [ Wednesday, 13th of September 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Sky The next title from ThatGameCompany has been announced, Sky, and it looks to do just what the title says by taking us on an adventure in the Sky It looks like the wait for whatever the next title ThatGameCompany is working is now over as we just had the announcement that it is a title named Sky. It is nice, simplistic, and looks to use the same gameplay modes that the developer has used for so long to make some amazing title. The only truly weird part is that Sky will be coming to the iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV before anywhere else. Read More...
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Sony Now Has An App For That
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 12th of January 2011 - 07:25 PM ]
SCEE has finally let loose the app they announced back in December that will allow PlayStation fans to do pretty much what XBox fans have been doing for a long while now. That is access all their stats, news and talk about all things on their chosen console. Man that took a while to get out there. I totally can't wait to use it to keep up on my friends and trophies. Oh wait… I can't… It is only for people with European accounts. Anyone can download the app to their iPhone/iPod or Android phones right now, although work arounds are needed if you live outside of Europe. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Seventy Eight: Keeping The Class Up
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 9th of September 2010 - 03:42 PM ]
Corey joins up with Brian and Binh again for another exciting and yet "classy" episode of the Aggrocast. The crew talks about what they have been playing - including Mafia II, Mushroom Wars, Persona 4 and going back old school with Dungeon Siege 2. This week the crew delves into the XBox Live price increase as well as the price drop of the Nintendo DSi. Then, Corey decides to play devil's advocate for Apple's newly announced GameCenter. Hilarity ensues when all three gentlemen dance around the PC/Mac debate once again. Read More...
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Turn Your iPad Into A SNES
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 26th of May 2010 - 03:11 PM ]
We've seen all sorts of possible ports of games onto the iPad and iPod Touch, but now for the first time we get a full gaming station emulated entirely through the iPad and iPod Touch combo, that leaves Nintendo players salivating for more Super Nintendo games. Where the Woozle Wasn't brings us probably one of the best SNES emulators on the iPad that I've seen in a long time. Using an iPod Touch as a controller, connected via blue tooth,to the iPad, you can have up to four players at a time playing your favorite Super Nintendo games. Using the iPhone port by ZodTTD, iPad owners can now enjoy there favorite Nintendo games right in the comfort of there own laps! Read More...
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Brian G's First Ever Ramblings
by Brian Goodman [ Sunday, 18th of April 2010 - 03:03 PM ]
So first off I'm Brian and new to (and also My user name is GooseyB please friend me so I'm not too lonely!). Aside from video game blogging I also play in this band. You may or may not have noticed my first few articles posted this week. I am a video game news junkie and very opinionated. I may like studying the industry and culture surrounding video games almost as much as I like settling in with a new nerdy PC strategy title and a bottle of whiskey (almost). I do enjoy a lot of mainstream titles and also spend plenty of time on my XBox 360. Read More...
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Plants vs. Zombies Goes HD For The iPad
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 7th of April 2010 - 07:11 PM ]
With the recent release of the Apple iPad, many of the Apps and Games have been coming out out for it. Plants vs. Zombies, one of PopCap success stories of 2009, is now releasing the game for the iPad in HD. Since the game has been introduced for the iPhone and iPod Touch back in February, Plants vs. Zombies has sold more than 650,000 units. Andrew Stein, director of mobile business development at PopCap said, “The iPad is a fantastic platform for gaming, and Plants vs. Read More...
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iPad Is For Gaming
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 2nd of April 2010 - 03:14 PM ]
The iPad as you have heard is being released April 3rd, 2010. The lines at the Apple store will be ridiculous, Apple is already struggling against the demand, and Steve Jobs is in a chair somewhere sitting in the dark watching his Apple TV and laughing at all the money he is making this weekend. As I have stated in previous articles, the iPhone format has already paved the way for more powerful mobile gaming, but now with the iPad (a larger iPhone) gamers can utilize the larger screen size and have a truly unique gaming experience. I bring this up because with the information overload about the iPad, EA and 2K Games have stated that they will be updating there iPhone games to be optimized for the iPad. EA's Command&Conquer: Red Alert and 2K's Civilization: Revolution are two very popular titles but are limited by the screen size of the iPhone. Read More...
Tags: EA, 2K Games, iPad, Apple,
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Wanna Play Steam Games On Mac, There's An App For That
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 8th of March 2010 - 09:20 PM ]
We all knew it was coming. The pictures, the articles, the speculation, it was going to happen, and now it's here. Wanna play Steam games on Mac, there's an App for that. Valve announced Steam for Mac users today and some extremely exciting details for all your reading pleasure. Steam will be cross platform playable, players on both platforms will be able to play together in a shiny happy virtual universe.Games will be scheduled to release at the same time on both platforms. No need to wait for the Mac version a month later, just play it when everyone else gets it. Read More...
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Steam Coming To Mac?
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 4th of March 2010 - 04:48 PM ]
With the Game Developers Conference just a short ways away, and Valve revving everyone up for their "Big Announcement," little has been left to the imagination about what this announcement could be. Images have been surfacing from multiple sites who had received images displaying Valve characters in very "Apple like" commercials. I have attached some of the images for your viewing pleasure. A very cool 1984 throwback featuring Alyx from Half-life 2 (via Macworld) Gordon freeman rocking the Apple look (via Macrumors) Check out the rest from MacNN, Rock, Paper, Shotgun and Eurogamer The folks over at the Steam community forums have been data mining the latest client software Beta release and have stumbled upon graphic images for Mac buttons, an osx. Read More...
Tags: Valve, GDC, Apple, Steam,
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Pea-shooting Zombies On The Go With iPhone/iPod
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 17th of February 2010 - 12:34 PM ]
Plants vs. Zombies was one of the 2009 most played games for the PC, especially for those at PopCap Games has announced today that they will be releasing the game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Plants vs. Zombies will be available now at the Apple’s App Store for $2.99. Andrew Stein, Director of Mobile platforms from PopCap Games made the following comment, “Plants vs. Zombies for iPhone and iPod Touch marks the first adaptation of our wildly popular ‘flower defense’ game to a new platform, and we’re excited at how well it has translated to the iPhone and iPod touch. We’ve stayed true to the original computer version with the full-featured gameplay of Adventure mode, and have optimized this adaptation around a seamless touch interface. Read More...
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iPad Gaming For You... Coming From The UK
by Binh Nguyen [ Friday, 29th of January 2010 - 09:10 PM ]
Two days ago Apple announce their new tablet that they have been working on. We have seen the keynotes, the videos, the ooh's and the ahhh's, and tons of opinions on the device. TIGA, the trade association representing the UK games industry, has announced the launch of Apple's new iPad, welcoming its potentials for creating further creative opportunities for game developers. First up we have Paul Farley, CEO of Tag Games made this statement, “The Apple iPad is another huge milestone in the move from games being consumed via physical retail to digital platforms. The iPhone is a hard act to follow, yet the impact of the iPad on the games industry could be equally as large. Read More...
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More Clutter From The Beatles
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 5th of May 2009 - 05:45 PM ]
New Beatles Rock Band Controllers With pre-orders starting to fly in for this new Rock Band game, The Beatles, the people over at Harmonix and MTV have decided to hook those pre-order people with a few little extras for shelling out a few bucks before the game comes out. Well hook them up somewhat. By giving them a site they can go to where they can place in a code given when pre-order. This will apparently give access to a few things that will hit the internet hours after it is placed in there. Read More...
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Pwned Releases Its Official iPhone Application
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 30th of March 2009 - 08:05 PM ] has released its official iPhone application. Now all of's iPhone users can access Pwned from anywhere at anytime right from their iPhone. You will be able to view not only your notifications, but your friends' profiles, utilize the shoutbox, and much more. Current Pwned iPhone Application Features:New User RegistrationView User ProfilesUser NotificationsShoutboxFriends ListFriends List showing who is playing on XBox Live and the game they are playingFriends List showing who is playing on Steam and the game they are playingOfficial Press Release: is releasing their first iPhone application.  This  application will allow each user to view their own profile  notifications and see what their friends are up to. Read More...
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