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Brian G's First Ever Ramblings
by Brian Goodman [ Sunday, 18th of April 2010 - 03:03 PM ]
So first off I'm Brian and new to (and also My user name is GooseyB please friend me so I'm not too lonely!). Aside from video game blogging I also play in this band. You may or may not have noticed my first few articles posted this week. I am a video game news junkie and very opinionated. I may like studying the industry and culture surrounding video games almost as much as I like settling in with a new nerdy PC strategy title and a bottle of whiskey (almost). I do enjoy a lot of mainstream titles and also spend plenty of time on my XBox 360. Read More...
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GTA4 First Looks
by [ Friday, 9th of May 2008 - 10:17 PM ]
Grand Theft Auto 4, perhaps one of the most talked about and anticipated games in the history of gaming. In its first week it managed to top 500 million in sales, easily surpassing every game ever made. It�s a series that�s like a fine wine: its gotten better with age. Add to that quite possibly the most aggressive ad campaign ever seen for a video game, and you can see. Here in Brighton, UK every bus stop has a GTA 4 poster covering one whole side. In major cities, entire buildings were consumed with characters from the game, including the incredibly sexy lollipop chick (seriously, if you know where to get a poster of this girl, let me know! Read More...
Tags: GTA4,
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They just don't give up, do they?
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 07:18 PM ]
In light of the upcoming release of Grand Theft Auto IV, I figured I'd deliver you all some more updates on EA's attempt to buy out Take-Two!Earlier this year EA attempted put out a bid on Take-Two, parent company to Rockstar and 2K games, and were rejected. After trying to make a bid again last month, EA once again ups it's anny and puts out yet another bid out on Take-Two. And once again - they got rejected!Although the press release on T2's site is pretty much written in Wall Street-lingo wrapped in an abundance of legal mumbo-jumbo, I was able to gather some details: -EA has upped it's offer to $26 a share for stock-holders of Take-Two. Read More...
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