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Final Fantasy VII Remake & Kingdom Hearts III Unlikely in 2017
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Thursday, 27th of April 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy VII It looks like Final Fantasy VII Remake & Kingdom Hearts III might miss their projected 2017 release. Sorry Final Fantasy VII fans There are some rumors that have existed for ages. One of which is so old I don’t remember where I read it was that the third installment of Kingdom Hearts would be released in 2013. The other has been around almost as long as I have been alive being that a remake of Final Fantasy VII would be coming. In the past few years these two things have actually been confirmed. Read More...
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New Final Fantasy 7 Remake & Kingdom Hearts 3 Screenshots Have Been Spotted
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 20th of February 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The wait is over for Final Fantasy 7 Remake & Kingdom Hearts 3 screenshots but the wait for Final Fantasy 7 Remake still eludes all of us for 2017 The wait for Final Fantasy VII Remake still lingers on as it still looks like we won't be seeing it this year, but that is only in a final form as we have a few new screenshots for the game here. Not only that but a little other title that Square Enix is working on in the way of Kingdom Hearts III. You know, the next two most anticipated titles from the developers now that Final Fantasy XV has released and is in DLC and update mode only at this point. Read More...
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More Signs Are Hinting That Final Fantasy VII Remake's First Episode Will Release In 2017
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of January 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy VII Remake Another listing for Final Fantasy VII Remake indicates that we actually may see the first episode of Final Fantasy VII Remake sometime this year Here we go with just a bit more pointing to the fact that we may be seeing Final Fantasy VII Remake at some point this year. This isn't the first time something has popped up like this of course but to the dismay of Square Enix it looks like retailers just can't stop letting things slip out a bit earlier than they should. Like I said, this one also shows that we could be seeing the first episode of Final Fantasy VII Remake this year as there are now options to pre-order it all right now. At least if we take what just popped up on the Australian EB Games website. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake's Combat Looks The Same But Is Different
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of October 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy New gameplay for Final Fantasy VII Remake has surfaced and it looks like Final Fantasy VII's combat system is getting a little bit of an overhaul It has been quite some time since we've had some updates on Final Fantasy VII Remake and how it is coming along. I know Square Enix gave us a nice trailer and all of that about a year ago and there have been peppered bit here and there but nothing solid for a while. They are focusing on Final Fantasy XV right now and the various other titles in the franchise so it makes a little bit of sense but that doesn't change our need and want for new content to look and/or hear about the game. Specifically a release date for it but I'm guessing that will all be in due time. Read More...
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Here's Why Final Fantasy VII Remake Will Be 'Episodic'
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of December 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy With the announcement of Final Fantasy VII Remake being multi-part Final Fantasy fans have asked for a reason and now we have one straight from the source Earlier in the week we had our first solid look at more than a tease for Final Fantasy VII Remake. Sadly this was also accompanied by a press release from Square Enix stating that Final Fantasy VII Remake would also be a multi-part experience on the PS4. As that was announced many Final Fantasy fans who have been begging for Final Fantasy VII Remake went on to express their gamer rage about it being an 'episodic' game and not the full one. That is their term not mine as I always remember Final Fantasy VII requiring disc swaps originally and I see this as pretty much the same thing as the developers work on this and Final Fantasy XV at the same time. Read More...
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Even More Final Fantasy VII Remake Information Out Of PSX 2015
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 7th of December 2015 - 06:01 PM ]
Final Fantasy VII More than just a trailer for Final Fantasy VII Remake has been released out of PSX 2015 and it includes how Final Fantasy VII is being remade and what we can all expect Since Final Fantasy VII Remake was announced back in June and made many fans out there happy little gamers we have been waiting for more and we finally got that over the weekend at the PlayStation Experience in San Francisco. During the huge keynote event a new trailer for Final Fantasy VII Remake was showcased by Square Enix and it looks like they are taking great care to give what has been begged for by many. It is still no Final Fantasy VI Remake in my opinion but it was still one of the greats in the series. Read More...
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Capcom Taking A Shot At God Of War With Asura's Wrath?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 14th of April 2011 - 08:43 PM ]
I get that by now it is hard to do an action game without getting the "It's Like [Insert Name]..." tagged to it, but Asura's Wrath seems to not care. Not care to the point where the basic story of the game is thus. Once a revered deity, Asura was betrayed by his fellow gods and stripped of all his powers. Consumed by anger at the injustice he has suffered and swearing vengeance, Asura discovers he can use this fury to his advantage and turn it against his enemies. Sound REALLY close to the opening to God Of War II to me. Read More...
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Gamescom 2010 Video Swarm [Part 1]
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of August 2010 - 03:34 PM ]
If you have been paying attention to the AggroGamer Twitter or AggroGamer YouTube accounts, you may have seen a flood of new videos and trailers for upcoming games. All of them pretty much flowing in from Gamescom 2010. There were so many of them that we knew you wouldn't be able to keep up if we posted each in their own article. So here is the first batch in case you've missed them or just want to watch them again. Isn't that nice of us? Read More...
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Mass Effect The Movie
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 25th of May 2010 - 03:23 PM ]
Well this news came sooner than I could ever realized. According to, Legendary Pictures just picked up the rights to make a feature film based on Mass Effect. As we speak they are in discussions with the screen writers from I Am Legend and Thor to produce the screenplay. Now you may be wondering who will be producing the film? You will be happy to know that BioWare's co-founder and VP, Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, along with Mass Effect executive producer, Casey Hudson, will serve as executive producers for the film. Joining in on the fun will be Thomas Tull, Jon Jashni and Ari Arad. Read More...
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Stargate: Resistance Release Date Announced
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 2nd of February 2010 - 05:09 PM ]
Have you been waiting for the new Stargate Universe MMORPG to be released? Well I have bad news, you’re going to have to continue waiting. If you would like to fill that gaping wormhole in your life though, the fine folks at Firesky are giving you a third person downloadable shooter to hold you over till....whenever. Firesky announced that Stargate: Resistance will be available for download on February 10th, 2010, from Direct2drive. Read More...
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Is Digital Distribution the Future?
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 10th of November 2009 - 02:51 AM ]
It's fairly safe that we can all assume that the future of movies and game sales is digital distribution. How long the duration will be for it to take over is anybody's guess. It will be more determined by the willingness of people to download a game as opposed to having a physical copy than anything else. Delivery systems like GameTap, Direct2Drive and most notably Steam, have been digitally distributing PC games for years and have been met with success. It seems as though PC players are more willing to buy digital distribution than their console counterparts -- maybe because it's been available longer and they feel more comfortable with it or maybe it's because they don't care about having a physical copy since they can not trade it in anyhow. Read More...
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Blizzcon 2009 Day 2
by Binh Nguyen [ Friday, 28th of August 2009 - 07:34 PM ]
Day 1 came and gone in a flash... of light. From the opening ceremony to shopping around to visiting many of the booths to the Costume, Dance & Sound A-Like Contest at the end of the day, I was wearing out really fast. For Day 2, I knew I had to plan out what I needed to do and the time to do it in. As I rolled into the convention center, again I saw the nerds, geeks and dorks in line waiting for hours to be one of the first to get into the convention center. As I waited in line, I talked to those around me. Read More...
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They just don't give up, do they?
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 07:18 PM ]
In light of the upcoming release of Grand Theft Auto IV, I figured I'd deliver you all some more updates on EA's attempt to buy out Take-Two!Earlier this year EA attempted put out a bid on Take-Two, parent company to Rockstar and 2K games, and were rejected. After trying to make a bid again last month, EA once again ups it's anny and puts out yet another bid out on Take-Two. And once again - they got rejected!Although the press release on T2's site is pretty much written in Wall Street-lingo wrapped in an abundance of legal mumbo-jumbo, I was able to gather some details: -EA has upped it's offer to $26 a share for stock-holders of Take-Two. Read More...
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