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Aggrocast Episode Eighty-Eight: When Capitalism Meets Completion-ism
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 18th of October 2011 - 11:27 PM ]
Your regular length Aggrocast is back, even if not necessarily the guys are completely back on track as they continue to recover from Extra Life. David, Corey&Brian use the time for Whatcha Been Playing and Community Spotlight to share their Extra Life experiences and talk Dragon Age: Origins, Dark Souls and Spider Man: Edge of Time. Be sure to keep listening as Care / Don't Care gets a little lively as does our main topic, revolving around when does a game "end" for you. Where are you on this issue? Read More...
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Gamescom 2010 Video Swarm [Part 1]
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of August 2010 - 03:34 PM ]
If you have been paying attention to the AggroGamer Twitter or AggroGamer YouTube accounts, you may have seen a flood of new videos and trailers for upcoming games. All of them pretty much flowing in from Gamescom 2010. There were so many of them that we knew you wouldn't be able to keep up if we posted each in their own article. So here is the first batch in case you've missed them or just want to watch them again. Isn't that nice of us? Read More...
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