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Yuffie Is Synergizing In New Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 26th of May 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy More gameplay for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is here to show off more for Final Fantasy VII's favorite little ninja June 10th is so close and those out there waiting for more Final Fantasy VII Remake will be keeping a close eye on that date for the new DLC to drop on the PS5. It is still listed as an expansion and upgrade to the PS5 from the PS4 from Square Enix for those still holding out hope and not having the latest console to play on. That all said, we have a whole lot of new gameplay to look at for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade to get us ready for the drop but also see how things are shifting for not only Yuffie but a few of the gameplay elements that we might not have expected here. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade Is Bringing Back Some Other Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of May 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy A new video for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is taking us back with a classic game from the original Final Fantasy VII The final trailer for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is now out there after the latest live stream that Square Enix has put on and we have a few more interesting things to see in the mix for this coming episode. Sure, it was expected that we would get to see Yuffie doing a few more things and a little more to the story being told, but in this video we get a tease of a few more gameplay elements that will be mixed in. One of them being something many might remember being a new twist on something we experienced in the original Final Fantasy VII at a different point. Read More...
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Get Ready For The INTERmission When It Comes To Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 14th of April 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy New details are here for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade that show off some new features coming for Final Fantasy VII Remake The wait still continues here for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade with June 10th still a bit of a way off. That just means that we still have time to get a few more teases and explanations out there from Square Enix as to what to expect and get hyped for here. All with the first little bit that this new episode for Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to be called Episode INTERmission, which offers up all of its own new things to assume here for it all. Almost as if this could just be a smaller bit as we wait for the next massive game expansion and "episode" to release out there. Read More...
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The Upgrades Are Extended A Little More For Final Fantasy VII Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 22nd of March 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy An extended view of the upgrades coming for Final Fantasy VII Remake is here with more for the coming Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade too We have had a few looks at how the PS5 upgrade for Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to look and flow already with the original announcement. Along with that, we had some new looks at the extra features that Square Enix will be adding in with textures, lighting, and Photo Mode mixed in. All to experience the new gameplay modes for it all too and get us ready for Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade to drop on June 10th too. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade Is Bringing A Whole Lot To The Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 26th of February 2021 - 06:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The PS5 version of the Final Fantasy VII Remake is coming and it is also bringing us another Final Fantasy VII fan favorite character With so many out there playing the Final Fantasy VII Remake a few times on the PS4, we have been waiting for the update that will bring us more of the game. Maybe the next whole part of the story and chapter from Square Enix. To that extent even the option to play the game on the PS5 natively to be able to take advantage of all of the tech and capabilities on the machine. Read More...
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Hear How The Music Will Be The Same & Different For Final Fantasy VII Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of April 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The next behind-the-scenes video for Final Fantasy VII Remake is here to show us how the sound and music has evolved from the original Final Fantasy VII to now I am going to venture that we have our last Inside Final Fantasy VII Remake video here with the game hitting the PS4 on April 10th this week, but here we go with the latest. One more little behind-the-scenes look at how Square Enix is moving forward with this title yet giving us all the right levels of nostalgia mixed right in. The way a remake should be done. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake Receives Its Final & Explosive Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of April 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The final trailer for Final Fantasy VII Remake is here as players can start to pre-load Final Fantasy VII Remake for the big day We are a week out from Final Fantasy VII Remake hitting the PS4 and now we have the final trailer they are going to officially drop for it all before then. That would be the assumption as this latest one offers up a whole lot of minor spoilers for the game. Something that is a bit shocking from Square Enix to do when they asked everyone to not share spoilers if they received the game early. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake’s Combat Is Going To Feel New But Also Nostalgic
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 1st of April 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The next developer diary for Final Fantasy VII Remake is here to show us how the combat and action has evolved since the first outing for Final Fantasy VII Here we go with another, and most likely one of the last, developer diary for Final Fantasy VII Remake and this one is all about the combat and action in the game. This is something that has been a hot topic since Square Enix first let people outside the company play the game. Many will remember the original Final Fantasy VII used a turn-based and command-based system, which not exactly what we are all going to get here on April 10th when it hits the PS4. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake Might Be Changing Up A Few Things For The Characters
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 24th of March 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The next behind the scenes video for Final Fantasy VII Remake is here to show off just how the story and characters have been altered since the original Final Fantasy VII Fans of the original Final Fantasy VII are going to be either happy or let down by the latest we have here for the upcoming remake. It is going to depend on how much of your nostalgia is driving your interest in this title as it looks like Square Enix is going to be making a few other changes to the title. Specifically toward the characters and story of it all. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake Is Almost Here & Here’s A Bit On How It Was Made
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 16th of March 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The first of the behind the scenes videos for Final Fantasy VII Remake is here to take us into just how this Final Fantasy title came to be It has been a long and hard road, it seems, to get to the point where we are for the Final Fantasy VII Remake. Something that started out as a project Square Enix said would never happen and now we are just under a month out from the first part of it all hitting us. The first big Midgar part for those fans of the original version and a much larger event than newer fans have seen in the recent demo. Given that it takes a whole lot of work and thought to do what they are doing for Final Fantasy VII here, it is time to look back on just how it all came to be and what the team has reimagined for it all. Read More...
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Summon More Of The Cuteness Into Final Fantasy VII Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of February 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The DLC summons for Final Fantasy VII Remake have a new look to take in and see how they will further add to the Final Fantasy VII experience Unless you have not been on the internet recently, we have seen a few images of the summons that are coming to Final Fantasy VII Remake. Some of them are the core ones that we all know and love and others are summons that Square Enix has crafted for us to entice us to pre-order the game. All of which will most likely be DLC at a later date, but there are three that can only be picked up if you pre-order Final Fantasy VII Remake and buy specific versions of the game. All of which on the PS4 and, thankfully, not limited to a specific store. Read More...
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The Merc Is Flipping In For The Opening Of Final Fantasy VII Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of February 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The opening cinematic for Final Fantasy VII Remake has been released for us to enjoy and relive Final Fantasy VII in all the ways we need Even though Final Fantasy VII Remake should have been launching in a few weeks and we still need to wait until April 10th still, we have a new look at another big moment from the game today. That is, it looks like Square Enix has given us a look at the opening cinematic for the game to look at and relive those moments from when we first dropped the first disc into our PlayStation so long ago now. All with the familiar looks and feels for the game with the new visuals, but also a few little extras we did not get to see in Final Fantasy VII the first time around. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake’s Theme Song Comes Along With New Footage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 31st of January 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The music for Final Fantasy VII Remake is unveiled a bit here and we get a solid look at more characters coming back in this version of Final Fantasy VII Given the name we have for the Final Fantasy VII Remake, it would make sense that we would be getting some new songs and some updates to the older ones. You know, all the way to make it all fit the new look and feel and also the state of video games right now. It would be cool to be able to replay with some of the classic music instead, as an option, but I have a feeling that would ruin some of the scenes and tone that Square Enix is going for in the game. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake Is Now Pushed Back By A Few More Weeks
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of January 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy Delays have hit the first part of Final Fantasy VII Remake and now we will not see Final Fantasy VII Remake hit until April of this year It looks like all of the concerns, joke or not, have come to fruition for Final Fantasy VII Remake as the game has been delayed. It kind of runs the way that most Square Enix titles go and here we are with the slightest of surprises that March 3rd will no longer be when we will get the game on the PS4. Now we will be looking to April for the first part of Final Fantasy VII Remake to come to us. April 10th to be completely exact so you can figure out when to get your time all set. Read More...
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Final Fantasy VII Remake’s New Looking Intro Has Leaked Out
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of January 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The intro for Final Fantasy VII Remake is here for us to look at and get our Final Fantasy VII nostalgia fired up just before launch There have been many reports out there that there is going to be a Final Fantasy VII Remake demo for us all to experience before the game finally launches on March 3rdfor the PS4. Some say it is just an image they saw on a website or store, but others have actually been able to lay hands on it outside of Square Enix. Thus giving it all a bit more credibility that it is going to be coming. Read More...
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