Images have been surfacing from multiple sites who had received images displaying Valve characters in very "Apple like" commercials. I have attached some of the images for your viewing pleasure.
A very cool 1984 throwback featuring Alyx from Half-life 2 (via Macworld)
Gordon freeman rocking the Apple look (via Macrumors)
Check out the rest from MacNN, Rock, Paper, Shotgun and Eurogamer
The folks over at the Steam community forums have been data mining the latest client software Beta release and have stumbled upon graphic images for Mac buttons, an osx.menu and even an option to use the Apple web-kit interface.
So, it seems apparent the announcement is that Valve is bringing Steam to the Mac universe. With the gaming success of the iPhone and iPod touch, it was only a matter of time before macbooks and desktops joined the fray. As many gamers already know, gaming on a Mac is "okay" and the game selection is less then optimal, but giving Mac gamers the ability to download there favorite games such as BioShock, the Call of Duty Collection, or even Torchlight, could make gaming on a Mac a little more bearable.
This raises a few questions though, like a) What games will be available on the Mac Steam client since so few are available currently for the Mac platform, and b) will we see Mac-only games available on the Steam client?
I'm very interested to see how all the Apple fan boys react to Steam, since this program was built by a bunch of ex-Microsoft employees and it has a strong Microsoft Windows feel to it. Or will the Steam GUI change all together? Hopefully we will find out more at this year's GDC 2010 in San Fransisco.