As I have stated in previous articles, the iPhone format has already paved the way for more powerful mobile gaming, but now with the iPad (a larger iPhone) gamers can utilize the larger screen size and have a truly unique gaming experience.
I bring this up because with the information overload about the iPad, EA and 2K Games have stated that they will be updating there iPhone games to be optimized for the iPad. EA's Command&Conquer: Red Alert and 2K's Civilization: Revolution are two very popular titles but are limited by the screen size of the iPhone. Well these shackles have been removed now that they will be upgraded for use on the iPad. No more rinky-dinky screen that makes commanding units difficult. No, now players will have 10 inch LED-lit game play area, to illuminate dull trips/family reunions/DMV Lines.
Command&Conquer: Red Alert will be selling for $14.99 on the App store. Right now not too many details have been released regarding the upgrade (new features) but hopefully we will find out this weekend if this is just "The Big" version of the iPhone game.
Civilization: Revolution will be $12.99 and for all you fans out there waiting for Civ V, this should satisfy your world building appetite until then.
I understand that right now Apple is porting as many games from the iPhone into the iPad as possible, but I think that Apple needs to release new titles, exclusively for the iPad. With so much more space and power, developers have a whole new world to create unique games. I would really love to see Table Top games like Risk, and Dungeons and Dragons put on the iPad. Hell I would even take Monopoly. The options are only limited by Steve Job's imagination.