With pre-orders starting to fly in for this new Rock Band game, The Beatles, the people over at Harmonix and MTV have decided to hook those pre-order people with a few little extras for shelling out a few bucks before the game comes out. Well hook them up somewhat. By giving them a site they can go to where they can place in a code given when pre-order. This will apparently give access to a few things that will hit the internet hours after it is placed in there. The first stated would be the image below of the new guitars for the game.
The Rickenbacker and Gretsch Duo Jet would be those instruments. The both look nice and shiny, but I'm not sure if they are worth the extra $99 USD each. I don't even think those crazy hardcore Beatles fans could even justify shelling out that kind of extra dough for these. At least I'd hope not.
To be honest, I think this is a horrible thing that they are trying to do here. Way over charging for these will definitely lead to them not selling. I have no clue if this is the price point that Harmonix and MTV came up with or Apple and The Beatles survivors. But it is just insane. The "Special" edition is already $250. So if you don't already have any of the Rock Band stuff already, getting that plus the extra Beatles guitar to have the full band would sit at $350 or so. That is of course if you don't want to shell out to get the other 3 microphones so you can harmonize with the band. I don't think they realize how many will probably just pick up the game disk and use what they have already. That's my plan. These crazy prices will most likely hurt them.
But we'll see. Who knows, owning them could give you mystical powers where every attractive person of your preferred gender finds you totally irresistible and wants to rape you on the spot. This could be worth that price point.