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Mother Machine Is Opening Up A Beta Playtest For The World
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of November 2024 - 10:00 PM ]
Mother Machine An open beta is on the way for Mother Machine and we get to see a little more of the fun Mother Machine could be offering up Those looking to have a colorful and chaotic little gremlin adventure out there, can start to gear up to take on a new open beta on the way for Mother Machine. This is a new title that Maschinen-Mensch is working on for the PC and the team is looking to get some extra feedback and help building out the game. As long as you have the free time to hop on and play Mother Machine from November 22nd until November 25th. Read More...
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Nintendo Reminds Us They Have Games
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 18th of August 2010 - 05:19 PM ]
With Gamescom 2010 getting into full swing with news and announcements, Nintendo decided they wanted to remind its consumers that they too have games coming out this fall and that you won't want to miss them. Two games in particular were given solid release dates. Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns were big hits at E3 this year and have been generating huge buzz for their impending arrival. While I could never get close enough to play Kirby's Epic Yarn, I did have an opportunity to play with our large, simian friend. If you didn't catch my thoughts in our E3 podcasts, I can tell you here that the game is addictive... Read More...
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Metroid Other M For Mouth Watering
by Andy [ Thursday, 1st of April 2010 - 10:24 PM ]
We have been waiting nearly a year now since the game was announced at E3 last year to see anything substantial from Metroid: Other M. Well we wait no more. Below is a new trailer that shows everything from cinematics to gameplay to control structure. Kind of a nice big reveal for everything surrounding Metroid: Other M. I do have issues believing that this game is on the Wii juist because of how nice everything looks. I mean look at the in-game action and tell me that doesn't look like something the Wii would never be able to pump out. Read More...
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Trailer Week For Nintendo & Bungie
by Binh Nguyen [ Saturday, 6th of March 2010 - 09:05 PM ]
Halo and Metroid. Two major household names in the gaming industry. Well a few days ago Bungie and Nintendo released trailers for Halo: Reach multi-player and Metroid Other M. To be honest with you all, I thought the Halo trailer really spoke volumes on what the multi-player will be like with a few nice additions to the game. Metroid Other M on the other hand was a bit disappointing. Metroid is probably THE only game for me that I DO NOT want voice acting at all! Read More...
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