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Trailer Week For Nintendo & Bungie
by Binh Nguyen [ Saturday, 6th of March 2010 - 09:05 PM ]
Halo and Metroid. Two major household names in the gaming industry. Well a few days ago Bungie and Nintendo released trailers for Halo: Reach multi-player and Metroid Other M. To be honest with you all, I thought the Halo trailer really spoke volumes on what the multi-player will be like with a few nice additions to the game. Metroid Other M on the other hand was a bit disappointing. Metroid is probably THE only game for me that I DO NOT want voice acting at all! Read More...
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Aggro Attractions: Games Coming Soon
by Kevin [ Tuesday, 15th of December 2009 - 04:10 PM ]
A lot of people were disappointed by the recent Video Game Awards held on Spike TV, and in most cases the disappointment is very much deserved. Although the award ceremony was filled with professionals and had some fantastic exclusives to premier, it still comes off as very much forced and not at all exciting. Fortunately, for the gaming audience there were some great trailers shown. As Binh said in a great article that covered the results of the show, the true stars were the trailers. Read More...
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EA Announces Skate 3, Releases Trailer
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 15th of September 2009 - 08:18 PM ]
Today Electronic Arts announced another sequel to their immensely popular Skate series. Originally built as a competitor to Activision's Tony Hawk series, the Skate series won immediate recognition from critics and fans alike. Today's announcement says that co-op and team building will be of great importance in this newest title. This seemingly includes online and offline co-op, along with team challenges and battles that smell MMO-ish to me. Of course, the possibility of a persistent online skateboarding world is not half as frightening as how the time between releases is shrinking. Read More...
Tags: Skate3, EA, Trailers,
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Four Decades Of Evil
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of March 2009 - 09:45 PM ]
Resident Evil Retrospective Episode 6 Just in time for the North American launch of the game comes the final part to the recap of the franchise that Game Trailers put on for us all. Leaving us with, in my opinion, one of the best recaps of a franchise I've seen in a while. Biases aside from the franchise, this 22 minute clip covers damn near everything that has ever gone on in the franchise. This whole final recap is a history, in order of events, from all of the main games and story of Resident Evil. Leading all the way back to 1966 when the founders of Umbrella found the Progenitor virus to do basics tests. Read More...
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Welcome Stranger!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of March 2009 - 10:06 PM ]
Resident Evil Retrospective 5 Just in time to get all of us up to the most current goings on in the Resident Evil universe for the incoming launch of 5, the fifth video from Game Trailers is up for your viewing pleasure. All so you can get jazzed even more so, as if you were not already, for Resident Evil 5. This weeks video covers pretty much all things from Resident Evil 4 and all of the films that were made around the franchise. That does include the most recent CGI film that was pumped out not to long ago as well. Read More...
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In The Interest Of Not Being Eaten
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of February 2009 - 06:53 PM ]
Resident Evil Retrospect: Episode 3 It's that time again, to lead up to the release of Resident Evil 5 with more story and world background. Just to add to the first two that have come out. But on top of that, Capcom has also graced us with some extra images from the game show casing some of the villains and enemies. Some of which look really cool. Like say the "zombie" who's head is split open or the giant. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 09:15 PM ]
Resident Evil Retrospective: Episode 2 As I reported last week, Game Trailers is placing out a retrospective on the Resident Evil franchise for the launch of the new game. Well this week they have launched the next installment of the six over all. This one covers all the events that took place during 1.5 through 3. Yes, the rumored and petitioned after 1. Read More...
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Almost Made A Jill Sandwich
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 5th of February 2009 - 09:47 PM ]
Resident Evil Retrospect: Part One Game trailer not being any slouch in hooking gamers up with what they want, are doing the exact same thing that they did for last years mega-launch for Metal Gear Solid. In case you missed that, it was a quick retelling of the entire franchise to get fans and non-fans amped up for the block buster game's release. Well seeing as there is another on coming out in about a month, they are at it again. This time for Resident Evil. Read More...
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