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Shank Cometh
by Kevin [ Wednesday, 31st of March 2010 - 01:41 PM ]
I've been following Shank for a while now, and I've been consistently impressed by the visuals and the style of the game. It's like a 2D explosion of sweetly animated vengeance carefully marinated in some of the craziest violence that does not include a certain Devil Who May Cry or Dual Wielding Busty Librarian Clothed In Her Own Hair. Developed by Klei Entertainment, makers of such downloadable goodness as Eets and N+, Shank has action to spare. Here is Shank killing a giant butcher. Read More...
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Aggro Attractions: Games Coming Soon
by Kevin [ Tuesday, 15th of December 2009 - 04:10 PM ]
A lot of people were disappointed by the recent Video Game Awards held on Spike TV, and in most cases the disappointment is very much deserved. Although the award ceremony was filled with professionals and had some fantastic exclusives to premier, it still comes off as very much forced and not at all exciting. Fortunately, for the gaming audience there were some great trailers shown. As Binh said in a great article that covered the results of the show, the true stars were the trailers. Read More...
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