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Who Is AMY? Besides A New Survival Horror For The PSN...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 7th of April 2011 - 06:06 PM ]
So we heard a little about this a few months ago. A new survival horror on the PSN called Amy. There have been a few screens thrown up for our approval, but then there has been nothing much. This is odd seeing as VectorCell Studios and Lexis Numérique are aiming for a June 2011 release. You'd think we would have more, which ends the lead in here. Today we are given just a bit more on AMY, a game that seems to be all about one of the things that are despised in Survival Horror games; escort missions. Yep, the overview of the story and game play make it seem to be 90% escort mission and the other 10% a mix of everything else. Read More...
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Yet Another Version Of Resident Evil 4 For Us To Buy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of March 2011 - 04:08 PM ]
Good news for you Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil Code: Veronica X fans out there who enjoy purchasing every version of the titles possible. Just announced is a new HD version for both titles that will be coming to XBox Live Marketplace and the PlayStation Network sometime this fall. Just in case you felt like you missed out after playing them before with lower resolution graphics and audio. As of right now, there is no mention of price, but there is one bit of info out there. That being Resident Evil 4 will have the "Separate Ways" epilogue and Trophy/Achievement support. Read More...
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Welcome Stranger!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of March 2009 - 10:06 PM ]
Resident Evil Retrospective 5 Just in time to get all of us up to the most current goings on in the Resident Evil universe for the incoming launch of 5, the fifth video from Game Trailers is up for your viewing pleasure. All so you can get jazzed even more so, as if you were not already, for Resident Evil 5. This weeks video covers pretty much all things from Resident Evil 4 and all of the films that were made around the franchise. That does include the most recent CGI film that was pumped out not to long ago as well. Read More...
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