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Review: AMY
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 27th of January 2012 - 08:13 PM ]
It's January so it is about time for a new survival horror title to come out, am I right? Well here is AMY from VectorCell - a new survival horror downloadable title for us to start the new year with a scare. Question is: will it scare the digital funds out of your wallet or just make you fearful that you will be out a few bucks for something that falls flat? Well let me give you my break down of the game. The Story In typical survival horror style, the tale revolves around two characters who must survive what looks like the zompocalypse. Read More...
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Who Is AMY? Besides A New Survival Horror For The PSN...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 7th of April 2011 - 06:06 PM ]
So we heard a little about this a few months ago. A new survival horror on the PSN called Amy. There have been a few screens thrown up for our approval, but then there has been nothing much. This is odd seeing as VectorCell Studios and Lexis Numérique are aiming for a June 2011 release. You'd think we would have more, which ends the lead in here. Today we are given just a bit more on AMY, a game that seems to be all about one of the things that are despised in Survival Horror games; escort missions. Yep, the overview of the story and game play make it seem to be 90% escort mission and the other 10% a mix of everything else. Read More...
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