It's that time again, to lead up to the release of Resident Evil 5 with more story and world background. Just to add to the first two that have come out. But on top of that, Capcom has also graced us with some extra images from the game show casing some of the villains and enemies. Some of which look really cool. Like say the "zombie" who's head is split open or the giant. Makes me want to yell "They have a Cave Troll!"
But in any instance, this weeks video covers the ins and outs of two of the games that were originally made for consoles outside of the PlayStation. Code Veronica and Zero. Originally on the Dreamcast and GameCube, respectfully. Each of which brought to the franchise something new. Veronica and their sense of "Family" and interweaving storylines along those lines. Then there is the GameCube that brought about the Molotov and Grenade aspects to the game. Not to mention the ability to move the camera angles a bit more than in any previous game from the Franchise. They also go in a bit on the use of bugs in the franchise more from these games on. Real interesting stuff.
Check it out. Images are below the video.