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Take A Look At The New PlayStation Store Coming Next Week
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 18th of October 2012 - 10:08 PM ]
If all is still to be believed, all of us PS3 owners will be getting a shiny, new store front this coming Tuesday. Something I have been hoping to come for quite some time now as I have missed a load of new content when it loads. But after seeing the below, I am not too sure that this is what I've been hoping for. Take a look at the following tour and I'll continue my thought flow. Doesn't it really look like it is set up more to sell ad space than anything? Read More...
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Review: Double Dragon: Neon
by Fred Buell [ Wednesday, 3rd of October 2012 - 04:58 PM ]
Double Dragon: Neon is as the developers say; "A love letter to the 80s" and it is that and so much more. Double Dragon: Neon brings us the return of the Lee brothers; Billy and Jimmy and their quest to save Marian, the staple of 80s games, "the kidnapped maiden". This time she has been kidnapped by a new villain, Skullmageddon. Skullmageddon is a giant skeleton armored in... Well a suit made from bones. Read More...
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Double Dragon: Neon Soundtrack Whoopin' Ass For Free
by Fred Buell [ Wednesday, 19th of September 2012 - 05:17 PM ]
A few days ago Double Dragon: Neon came out causing 8- and 16-bit fan boys and nostalgia addicts alike cream their pants in joy. However a day before that happened, Majesco Entertainment unleashed this 80s beat'em up fest's soundtrack to the masses. This is every one of the 45 tracks from the game. Ranging from midi masterpieces to 80s inspired new wave and even into old skool hip-hop. The soundtrack can be picked up from the Official Double Dragon: Neon website for the low cost of FREE. If you haven't had a chance to play Double Dragon: Neon yet, get the demo, get this soundtrack, and get in on what you are missing. Read More...
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Under The Radar: Games You Might Miss
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 11th of September 2012 - 10:33 PM ]
There have been a couple games that seem to have fallen off the face of the earth due to huge triple-A title, half assed updates and leaky faucet info dumps. So I thought it would be a good idea to refresh your memory on some games that might have fallen off of your radar. First up we got what seems to be a love letter personally sent to me. I'm talking about Hell Yeah! Wrath Of The Dead Rabbit Hell Yeah! Read More...
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Double Dragon Neon: A Love Letter To The 80's
by Matt Waitt [ Friday, 7th of September 2012 - 09:05 PM ]
The guys over at Majesco Entertainment have recently released a game play trailer for their upcoming title Double Dragon Neon. Double Dragon Neon is a reboot of the beloved classic Double Dragon. The game follows the story of two brothers (Jimmy and Billy Lee) in their journey to save their friend "Marian" who has been kidnapped. Double Dragon Neon also features 80's themed music, which can be found throughout the game and put into your "mix-tape" to listen to while you play. A variety of enemies including; Thugs, Monsters, and Huge Bosses. Read More...
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Naughty Bear Is Back And Showing Off Game Play
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of July 2012 - 09:36 PM ]
Over two years ago Naughty Bear hit consoles to a rather mediocre reception. I for one enjoyed the idea and concept but there was room for improvement. So I was a bit shocked to hear that there was another title in the franchise coming this year. Hopefully the team over at Behaviour Interactive has taken their time to polish up franchise a bit. Speaking of, why don't we take a look at the game play for the upcoming Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise? That should give us a good look to see if that is the case. Read More...
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Review: Jeremy McGrath's Offroad
by Fred Buell [ Thursday, 19th of July 2012 - 10:10 PM ]
Jeremy McGrath's Offroad, developed by 2XL Games and published by Reverb (PS3) and D3publisher (360), plays like you would expect any offroad, rally or ATV game to play. It's smooth, it has some air control and it has competitive AI. That is where this game really ends with its current competition. Jeremy McGrath's Offroad has various unlocks as is expected in this day and age, like new vehicles and performance upgrades, however I couldn't find much reason to go after them. No motivation to keep playing despite this. Now don't get me wrong, the game is superbly crafted, no bugs at all as far as I could tell, beautiful graphics for an arcade title, the AI is smart and the controls top notch. Read More...
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Serious Sam 3 Finally Coming To XBLA
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 14th of May 2012 - 09:13 PM ]
The guys over at Croteam have been working furiously since the original launch of Serious Sam 3: BFE to get their baby on consoles. We're looking at (maybe) a September / October release for XBLA and an even longer wait for PSN. "Regarding Xbox 360 SS3, it is in development, so we are on it since PC was released... It does require time to do all kinds of optimization's, first to fit all in memory and to get decent frame rate, as 360 is rather old hardware now (512MB RAM, lower range graphics card etc). Please be patient for around 4 more months for 360, we are doing our best to finish it in that time frame. Read More...
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PAX East Hands-On: Double Dragon Neon
by Matt Waitt [ Thursday, 12th of April 2012 - 04:39 PM ]
On the floor of PAX East was a small booth that had a pillar like set up with four different games. One of those games was hidden away from the casual viewing eye. That game was Double Dragon Neon, an upcoming XBLA game that not only impressed me with its beautiful art style, but also its nostalgic atmosphere. I know the audio quality is not the best, but hopefully you guys can understand everything. Read More...
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Review: Journey
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of March 2012 - 10:16 PM ]
Before I go on, let me make it clear this is a review for the 2012 video game Journey and not the band of the same name. Don't need the confusion. Anyway, here we go with thatgamecompany's next title hitting the PSN. They've made huge waves with flOw and Flower and here they try again with Journey. Though, you don't need a full history lesson here. You need to know if you should drop your cash here so let's just get down to it. Story You take the role of a weird "robed" figure, which seems to be made completely out of said robes, that is on a journey to the top of a glowing mountain. Read More...
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The Tester Season 3: Episode 1 - Lessons Attention Whoring
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of February 2012 - 06:58 PM ]
So here we go with Season 3 of PlayStation's The Tester. The first episode just hit the web and through every other medium that Sony wants us to watch it through. As promised in every other article about this show, I will give you my personal overview of the episode and things to look at for yourself. Hells, maybe even a reason on why not to watch at all or the converse. In any instance, let's move on before the title alone clouds your judgment. Read More...
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Using Intimidation As A Tactic In I Am Alive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Sunday, 22nd of January 2012 - 06:23 PM ]
Earlier in my hands on with I Am Alive I spoke about who will be able to use intimidation and other tactics as a form of "combat" in the game. Also how not everyone needs to be killed but instead bypassed in other ways. Well it would seem that Ubisoft didn't think I fully explained it there or at least that is how I am taking it since there is a new video showcasing this part of the game. If you look below you will see a new trailer for the game and it really does explain things a bit better than I did. It also shows another weapon that wasn't even mentioned in the demo I played. Read More...
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Who Wants A Free PS Mini? Take One.
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of January 2012 - 09:58 PM ]
Do you want one? You know you do. Well here's some good news. We have some free codes for the PS Mini Marbians. A tale of exploration and trying to bounce aliens back onto their spaceships. The best part is that it is free. If you look below, you'll see five free codes for the game. Plain and simple, the first five people to use the codes get the game. We'd appreciate if you post when you use the code and let us know. If you are not lucky enough to get a code, don't worry, we have a few more. Read More...
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Here Is The Teaser For The Tester And...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of January 2012 - 07:00 PM ]
It looks like all of my thoughts from before about the new season of The Tester were about right. Either that or the editors of this teaser thought it would be best to show the entire cast failing and being told they ALL have failed. It's like they want to show that they chose the worst of the worst for the competition as long as they look good or 'act' humorous the entire time. Go ahead and watch the teaser and tell me that is not the first thing that comes to mind after watching. I'll wait as usual. Read More...
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CES 2012 Hands On: I Am Alive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 16th of January 2012 - 07:07 PM ]
Talk about a game that has an aptronym. That's a name that describes what it does for those scratching their head there. I Am Alive has survived a near cancelation and multiple delays since it was first announced Darkworks was developing it almost four years ago. It was brought in house to Ubisoft Shanghai and is still very much alive. In fact I got to get all handsie with a demo being shown by the game's director. So let me break down where the game is now from the original announcement. Read More...
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