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Serious Sam: Tormental — Launch Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of April 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Serious Sam Check out the new trailer for Serious Sam: Tormental that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure Serious Sam: Tormental is a 3D rogue-lite top-down shooter title for the PC coming from Gungrounds, Croteam, and Devolver Digital on April 8th, 2022.     Serious Sam: Tormental — Launch Trailer Serious Sam: Tormental is a top-down rogue-lite 3D shooter in which players play through the tormented mind of Mental — the demigod of destruction — as he envisions worlds and monsters that lead the way to his inner self stand ways. Completely normal, right? Originally released on Steam Early Access in 2019 as part of Croteam's Incubator program, the game is now fully remastered and available now! Read More...
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Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem Is Revealed & Dropping Out There Very Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of January 2022 - 10:00 PM ]
Serious Sam More to the Serious Sam IP is coming with the reveal and release date for the Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem expansion As if we did not already have a whole lot of Serious Sam fun out there for the PC already, here we go with a new expansion to it all. Not to any one specific title in the line that Croteam has given us already, but a new one that has Timelock Studio helping out to further expand the world and story. Here we go with Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem that will be heading to the PC on January 25th. Yes, we have so little time to wait to be back in the mix doing exactly what Sam does best in these games. Read More...
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Serious Sam 4 Is Marching Its Way Onto The PS5 & Xbox Series X
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of December 2021 - 06:00 PM ]
Serious Sam The next-gen version of Serious Sam 4 is here to give us all more of the Serious Sam fun that we might have been missing More of the explosion and insane fun is on the way to us all for the holidays here with Serious Sam 4 hitting the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S as of now. At least in an official capacity and not just running through the backward play. Croteam could have just left it that way for now, but Serious Sam fans need their fix and it is here to enjoy. This is also good news for those that may have missed the mark when it dropped out there before on the other platforms before now. Read More...
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The Serious Sam Collection Will Be Sprinting Onto The Switch Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of November 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Serious Sam The Switch will soon have the Serious Sam Collection on it with the Serious Sam making a full run over there after successful collections in the past We can soon add the Switch to the growing number of systems that we will see the Serious Sam Collection on, as it has been announced that it will be coming there today. Not launching on the console as of today, but it has been let out there that we will see this updated collection from Croteam on the system at some point. Just one more place to give Serious Sam a go and then be able to take the mayhem on the move as you so wish. Read More...
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Let Us Walk Down The Curious Path To Serious Sam 4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 21st of September 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Serious Sam A new developer diary for Serious Sam 4 is out to help pass the time until we are able to don the role of Serious Sam again There is still a little bit of time until Serious Sam 4 head out there for us and some of us need something to help pass the time. Sure, there are multiple different things we could partake in to do this, but some out there only want to focus on their one title right now. For those out there in that pool, it looks like Croteam has us covered with a developer diary for the game and also a bit of an explanation why it took so long for everyone to get a new Serious Sam title. That is on top of the team wanting to work on different projects along the way too. Read More...
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Take The New Popemobile For A Spin In Serious Sam 4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of September 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Serious Sam New gameplay for Serious Sam 4 is here just before launch to give us a new way Serious Sam will be taking down these hordes As if Serious Sam 4 was not already going to be "next level" when it came to the insanity we will get to play within the game, here we have a look at a new bit of gameplay that introduces to a new way to get around in the game's world. Not only get around but take down all of those beasts that are out there ravaging the world as we know it. Just in the way that Croteam has gone in the Serious Sam games before, we are getting a little more "extra" here. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 8/3/20 — 8/7/20
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of August 2020 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week It is time to epically wrap another week of video games and dive into a good chunk of Marvel’s Avengers fun for this weekend. That would be one of the bigger things to look at for the week as well as enjoy if you pre-ordered on the PS4. That is not to say that the excitement for the Suicide Squad game or the new looks at Outriders and Hitman 3 going VR were not cool enough. It is just saying that we have some video games to enjoy in the mix of just the news this week. Read More...
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Serious Sam 4 Gets A New Release Date For Real This Time
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 6th of August 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Serious Sam One more delay has hit Serious Sam 4 and we will be getting back into the Serious Sam universe this coming September A new delay has seemed to hit Serious Sam 4 now and we will not be seeing the title in the likes of August here. It is not the biggest surprise given the world we are in, but it is something that cannot be easy for Croteam to make the call on. PC gamers all over have to be sad now that we will not see Serious Sam back in action this month. Thankfully, though, we do have a date in site for when we will be blasting away and defending Earth from everything. Read More...
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Serious Sam 4 Walks Back Onto The Scene With New Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of July 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Serious Sam New gameplay for Serious Sam 4 is here to give us a bit more insight into how this Serious Sam title is going to look and flow As we still wait for August to roll up on us with Serious Sam 4 to play on the PC and Stadia, we will need some solid looks to keep us going. Solid looks like the one that Croteam has dropped out there for us just days ago to look and to see just how the title has progressed. Some out there were a bit worried that we might never get to see this Serious Sam title, but for those still holding on, here we go with the next batch of gameplay to blow our minds. Well, more blow the minds of the enemies in the game, but that is just how it all rolls here. Read More...
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Serious Sam 4 Will Be Bringing A Classic Back To Us This August
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 20th of May 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Serious Sam A release month for Serious Sam 4 is set for August this year and will bring back all the fun of the Serious Sam franchise with it Well, that was a long wait from the announcement of Serious Sam 4 without hearing much until we have a release window now. Yes, the game is back from Croteam and heading to the PC via Steam and Stadia this August. Not only that, but it looks like that will be the only way to play Serious Sam 4 until 2021 with the PS4 and Xbox One versions coming then. Possibly something for the next-gen systems too if we want to extrapolate all of that, but for now, this is all we have announced and solid for it all. Read More...
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Serious Sam Collection Could Be Heading To The Current Gen Consoles
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of December 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Serious Sam A rating for a new Serious Sam Collection has been spotted that suggests the old Serious Sam titles will be heading to the PS4 and Xbox One It looks as if a new Serious Sam Collection has been spotted out in the wild. Well, at least the rating for the collection has been and nothing that Croteam has officially stated, but it does sound like we could be seeing a collection here. Oh, we already had one? Well, this Serious Sam Collection is poised to hit the PS4 and Xbox One instead of the older consoles as the previous one did. Read More...
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Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming August 2018
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 1st of August 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Video Games The list of free video games hitting the PlayStation and Xbox systems in August has been released and there are some great video games included in the mix A new month is almost on us here with August and that means new video games that we are going to get for free. Well, video games that you will get for free if you are part of the PlayStation Plus or Xbox Gold services. If you are then you may be in for a treat as the list of titles going live starting next month is here and we have it for you. Again, we get to expand out titles on the Xbox One and PS4 without needing to make any extra spends at our local stores. Read More...
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Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass Has Been Officially Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of April 2018 - 07:00 PM ]
Serious Sam A new Serious Sam title is on its ways as Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass has been officially announced with more to come at E3 2018 Joining the ranks of many other long-running franchises, we now have Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass to look forward to as it has been given the official announcement treatment today. Another major installment into the fun is coming and coming from Croteam and Devolver Digital. As if we would have expected anything else. Read More...
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The Serious Sam Humble Bundle Sale Is On!
by Matt Waitt [ Sunday, 9th of June 2013 - 04:39 AM ]
This week's humble bundle really hits home for me. The legendary Croatian developer Croteam and their legendary franchise Serious Sam are on sale. That's right, Serious Sam: The First Encounter, Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, Serious Sam II, The Serious Sam "Indie bundle" featuring Serious Sam Double D, Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack, Serious Sam: The Random Encounter, and Serious Sam 3: BFE are now on sale. Seven entirely awesome and entirely epic games are now at your finger tips. Pay what you want for them all. Read More...
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Interview: Nathan Fouts From Mommy's Best Games
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 7th of May 2013 - 05:36 PM ]
During PAX East I had the honor of meeting the President of Mommy’s Best Games, Nathan Fouts. A really cool guy, who is extremely passionate in what he does. We exchanged contact information and for the past couple months we have been emailing each other back and forth, talking about Mommy’s Best Games, Serious Sam, as well as some other things. AggroGamer: When and why did you establish Mommy's Best Games Inc.? Nathan Fouts: I started working at bigger companies, like Running With Scissors, back in 1998. Read More...
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