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Double Dragon: Neon Soundtrack Whoopin' Ass For Free
by Fred Buell [ Wednesday, 19th of September 2012 - 05:17 PM ]
A few days ago Double Dragon: Neon came out causing 8- and 16-bit fan boys and nostalgia addicts alike cream their pants in joy. However a day before that happened, Majesco Entertainment unleashed this 80s beat'em up fest's soundtrack to the masses. This is every one of the 45 tracks from the game. Ranging from midi masterpieces to 80s inspired new wave and even into old skool hip-hop. The soundtrack can be picked up from the Official Double Dragon: Neon website for the low cost of FREE. If you haven't had a chance to play Double Dragon: Neon yet, get the demo, get this soundtrack, and get in on what you are missing. Read More...
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An Electrifying Deal: inFamous' Price Cut
by Kevin [ Sunday, 6th of December 2009 - 03:29 AM ]
For those who have no idea, inFamous was a title released this past spring for the Playstation 3. It was a sandbox game that dropped you in the middle of a war torn city on the verge of social collapse while leading you into an overarching mystery that dealt with the origin on your character, Cole. The game did pretty darn well for Sucker Punch and Sony, selling over a million copies to date. And what better way to celebrate that milestone than by marking down the game for the unitiated!Well, Playstation mentioned that the title is now going for $39. Read More...
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Legacy of Ys Pre-Orders Packed With Soundtrack
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 30th of December 2008 - 09:01 PM ]
In an e-mail to Atlus Faithful today, Atlus Co. has announced that Legacy of Ys: Books I & II, for Nintendo DS, pre-orders at participating retailers will now come with a bonus Soundtrack CD. This soundtrack CD will cover music from both Books I & II, but Atlus has not specified the length of the tracklist yet. Atlus had this to say about the soundtrack: Epic in melody and arrangement, the Ys Books I & II soundtrack has long been considered one of the greatest video same scores ever created.  As relevant today as ever, the freshly arranged music CD still manages the same level of excitement and energy, and stand as a testament to true excellence in game music. Read More...
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