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This Week In Video Games 12/16/19 — 12/20/19
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 21st of December 2019 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week There are only so many more days until the end of this year and only so many more video games we can talk about before then. We are still going to focus on them all and keep it all coming to you. It is not like a whole new year makes it so that everything refreshes or anything. Resident Evil 3 will still be coming to us. Read More...
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Warcraft III: Reforged Is Now Coming Out This Coming January
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of December 2019 - 10:00 PM ]
Warcraft The final release date for Warcraft III: Reforged is now set for January with all of the Warcraft III features we have been waiting for Those looking to get in on Warcraft III: Reforged can stop looking and start waiting, as the release date is now set down for January 28th. I know fans were hoping to get their hands on it before the end of the year, but it looks like it took a bit longer for Blizzard to get everything ironed out for it and then game is now coming when it is ready. It has been a bit of a wait since it was first revealed back in 2018, but now we will be able to get our Warcraft III on no matter the version of the game you have loaded on your PC. Yes, that means that there will be cross-version play mixed in here for those that do not want to pick up the newer version of it all. Read More...
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Harbingers Are Coming To World Of Warcraft's New Expansion
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of July 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
World Of Warcraft As we get ready for the next World Of Warcraft expansion it looks like we are getting some new World Of Warcraft animated shorts to help us along There is still over a month's wait for the next big World Of Warcraft expansion Legion and we all know that the wait is killing most of us. Thankfully as we wait for the expansion to land on August 30th Blizzard is giving us some kind of relief in terms of new animated shorts for the game's story. Kind of fitting for the sixth major expansion for World Of Warcraft and just kind of given the company's trend before and as of late. Read More...
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The Thunder King Is Coming To World Of Warcraft
by Matt Waitt [ Thursday, 28th of February 2013 - 07:40 PM ]
Blizzard has just released a cinematic trailer for the upcoming patch of World of Warcraft, called "The Thunder King." The trailer features Lorewalker Cho reciting a long lost tale / rhyme about the Thunder King along with some awesome game play footage showing off the new bosses in the upcoming raid. 5.2 Features a whole new raid with thirteen new bosses. Read More...
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Eight Years Of World Of Warcraft
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 20th of November 2012 - 06:44 PM ]
On November 23rd, World Of Warcraft will be celebrating its eighth birthday. A major feat for any game. Released back in 2004, World of Warcraft (or WoW) has come a long way, and not just in the literal sense. Since its release, WoW has seen over ten million subscribers, four expansions, over 1500 achievements, and enough quests to last you nearly a decade. I first started playing WoW in September of 2009. My first character ever was a Night Elf Rogue and I explored the lush forests of Teldrasil in my first fifteen levels. Read More...
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Challenge Mode Armor Updates For Mist Of Pandaria
by Matt Waitt [ Wednesday, 24th of October 2012 - 07:01 PM ]
The new feature in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria called "Challenge Mode Dungeons" offer some very cool Transmogable gear. Transmog aka Xmog is changing the look of your gear with another piece of gear while saving the same stats. So Gear A will look like gear B but still has the stats of gear A. But now Blizzard has announced that all of the Challenge Mode gear sets will have a "use" ability to them, giving each class a unique flare to their awesome new gear. For those of you who don't know; Challenge Mode Dungeons are Heroic dungeons on crack. Read More...
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Review: World Of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
by Matt Waitt [ Thursday, 11th of October 2012 - 11:06 PM ]
Mists of Pandaria is World of Warcraft's fourth expansion since its beginning in 2004. Featuring over 1,800 achievements, a new race, a new class, a whole new continent to explore and much more. Mists of Pandaria was released back in September and I'm finally writing up a review for it, simply because I have experience enough of the expansion to finally give it a worthwhile review. So the level cap has been increased five levels. While that might not seem much, the ramp up from 85 to 90 is enormous. Read More...
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Mists Of Pandaria Trailer Finally Released
by Matt Waitt [ Thursday, 16th of August 2012 - 09:43 PM ]
Today Blizzard has finally released the cinematic trailer for the upcoming expansion to World of Warcraft called "Mists of Pandaria." The cinematic features a lot of mist and some good old fashioned fighting. Not to mention a little naval battle that is pretty cool. Mists of Pandaria comes out September 25th, 2012. I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on this expansion, with the raised level cap of 90, a whole new continent to explore, new raids, dungeons and of course loot. Fat, fat loot. Read More...
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We Have A Mists Of Pandaria Release Date
by Matt Waitt [ Wednesday, 25th of July 2012 - 04:47 PM ]
That's right all you "WoWHeads." Blizzard has finally given us a release date for the next expansion to World Of Warcraft. Mists Of Pandaria comes out September 25th, 2012. So mark your calendars and set a week or three of vacation time. There are three different versions of the game coming out: The Standard Edition, The Digital Deluxe Edition and The Collector's Edition. Some of the new Features for the upcoming expansion are: Level cap raised to 90 A new race: Pandaren A new class: Monk A Pet Battle System Challenge modes for Dungeons PVE Scenarios A new and improved talent system Account wide achievements and mounts All new continent: Pandaria And many, many more awesome things The Standard Edition will be $39.99; The Digital Deluxe Edition will be $59. Read More...
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Diablo III Release Date Announced
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 19th of March 2012 - 03:54 PM ]
We finally have a date for the burning hells to be unleashed upon us. Blizzard announced that Diablo III will officially be released on May 15th 2012. "After many years of hard work by our development team and months of beta testing by hundreds of thousands of dedicated players around the world, we’re now in the homestretch," said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. "We look forward to putting the final polish on Diablo III over the next two months and delivering the ultimate action-RPG experience to gamers worldwide starting on May 15." Diablo III will be released for Windows and Mac for $59. Read More...
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I Love The Concept Of Video Games Live
by Matt Waitt [ Friday, 10th of February 2012 - 10:00 PM ]
In my travels through the often harsh lands of television, I have come across what might be one of the most amazing things I have ever laid my eyes on: A symphony covering video game themes. If you guys don't already know "Video Games Live" is one part rock concert, one part festival, one part classical symphony concert and all parts amazing. Video Games Live is the brainchild of the legendary video game composers Tommy Tallarico and Jack Wall, featuring an immersive event with music from your favorite video games performed by top orchestras and choirs. Along with video footage and music arrangements, epic light shows, solo performances and unique interactive segments. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Ninety: Skyrim, Sequels And Series
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 28th of November 2011 - 10:14 PM ]
Matt joins Brian and Corey again for Aggrocast hijinks, including being completely disconnected from the call. The format jumps around as Brian and Corey wax poetic on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as they wait for Matt to return and they generally talk about what they've been playing including Batman: Arkham Asylum, WoW, Braid and Fusion: Sentient. We may have bounced around a bit, but your favorite features are still there. Care / Don't Care has the guys hitting up another eight topics and Community Spotlight shines on the Ghoul Girls. Read More...
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World Of Warcraft Celebrates Seven Years
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 23rd of November 2011 - 12:16 AM ]
Seven years is a long time. Especially in video game years. Graphics upgrades, game engines upgrades and MMO's have the hardest struggle to survive in this market. Well Blizzard has survived all of these things and reached another milestone in the life of its popular MMO World of Warcraft. Happy Anniversary World of Warcraft! World of Warcraft's official Anniversary date is November the 23rd. So how does one celebrate such a milestone? Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Eighty-Nine: Blitz On Blizzcon
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 31st of October 2011 - 04:28 PM ]
Episode 89 has the Aggrocast mixing things up. Writer Matthew Waitt joins Brian and Corey for the podcast filled with talk of World of Warcraft and everything Blizzcon 2011. You'll also hear Brian pretty much speechless as he tries to wrap his head around why people are still excited about WoW. It's not just a WoW podcast, as we talk about Diablo III, Starcraft II and the almost complete absence of Titan. We also learn more about Matt, do Whatcha Been Playing and still make time for a sweet Care / Don't Care. We are currently still having a technical issue with our usual feeds, so in the mean time, click here to listen, press play below or use the link below to download it directly. Read More...
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Trailer Park (10/24/11)
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 24th of October 2011 - 11:09 PM ]
Blizzard has released a new cinematic trailer for Diablo III featuring some very scary atmosphere and demons. The new trailer also shows off some of the story we can expect in Diablo III, such as Asmodon trying to acquire the Black Soulstone to rule as the true prime evil. If my memory serves me correct there are seven prime evils and in Diablo II we killed three of them: Mephisto, Diablo and Baal. The trailer also shows us a new character, who I believe is Deckard Cain's niece, whose name I do not know at this point. But enough of my rambling, enjoy the trailer. Read More...
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