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Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming April 2018
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 28th of March 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Video Games The list of free video games hitting the PlayStation and Xbox systems in April has been released and there are some great video games included in the mix A new month is almost on us here with April and that means new video games that we are going to get for free. Well, video games that you will get for free if you are part of the PlayStation Plus or Xbox Gold services. If you are then you may be in for a treat as the list of titles going live starting next month is here and we have it for you. Again, we get to expand out titles on the Xbox One and PS4 without needing to make any extra spends at our local stores. Read More...
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Our Top Eleven Video Games Of 2015 Are…
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 30th of December 2015 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games The year has ended and video games need listing so here is our top list of video games that released during 2015 or at least concluded during the year It has been one great year in video games with a lot of great releases. There have also been a few great stinkers over the year but because I am feeling a bit saucy over here I think it is time to give out the list of best video games encountered over the year. In fact the top eleven video games that I experienced and in some cases reviewed. We could have copped out and done a basic top ten list but who wants something half-assed? Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 8/31/15 — 9/4/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of September 2015 - 11:00 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games This has really been the week of video games and their collector's editions hasn't it? There sure were a lot of those announced or shown off this week haven't there? Although now of them have been anything to write home to mom about but not all video games can have amazing CEs. If you don't believe me you can have a look at the Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V, and Deus Ex collector's editions that we had the pleasure of seeing this week. Also a Resident Evil one of sorts for the new HD remasters but those aren't true collector's editions. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 8/17/15 — 8/21/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of August 2015 - 11:03 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Another week in video games down and many, many more to go. Even if this week was a bit on the roller coaster ride that we usually use to describe weeks that occur before major conventions. PAX Prime is coming up so I am sure that all of the other big announcements and reveals will happen then. That's not saying we didn't have some great stuff for Until Dawn, Batman: Arkham Knight, and Mad Max this week. Hells, we also had one of the best announcements for Kingdom Heart III with Big Hero 6 getting its time in the sun when that game finally hits the market. Read More...
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Get Creative In Mad Max With Its Latest Interactive Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 17th of August 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
Mad Max also gets the interactive trailer treatment to help show all of the different angles we can take when tackling missions in Mad Max Technically this new Mad Max trailer landed near the end of last week but it didn't get any traction, pun intended, until now as it seems like the week of interactive trailers based on how it has started. That is completely right if you guessed it. We have a new Mad Max interactive trailer to show off all of the madness that awaits us in the Wasteland when Avalanche Studios' new title on September 1st. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 8/10/15 — 8/14/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of August 2015 - 11:00 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Thus concludes another week in video games here. It's been kind of a scattered mess all week as to what we have been getting but none the less we had another fun week for all things video games. I know I am happy to see that Rise Of The Tomb Raider is going to have a lot of what made the franchise amazing back in it. Then there is all the new stuff we had for Mad Max and all the multiplayer beta stuff for Black Ops 3. Oh and let us not discount the fact that the PlayStation Experience is coming back this year even though it is heading off to another city. Read More...
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Hours Of Fun With Mad Max's Open World Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of August 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
Hours of gameplay for Mad Max was shown off in a developer's livestream of the game and it shows off a lot of combat and the upgrading system for Mad Max If you want to see a lot of new Mad Max gameplay then you came to the right place. At least you came to the right place today as if you have been as overly excited for Mad Max as I have been you would have been able to see all of this yesterday when Avalanche Studios held a live stream event to show it all off. So you'll only be about a day behind everyone else but at least you are going to get to see the open world of Mad Max in all of its glory as well as a few other things that Warner Bros. haven't allowed to be shown until now. Read More...
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Get A Feel For How Large Mad Max's Wasteland & Strongholds Are
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of August 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
A new trailer for Mad Max has been released and it gives a really good feel for the size of the Wasteland as well as a few looks at the crazy character of Mad Max Nothing gets my blood pumping in the morning like a good action packed game trailer and Mad Max never disappoints it would seem. Avalanche Studios has been doing a great job of bringing the franchise to life and again with this new trailer they show how Mad Max isn't going to be a game full of just Max, Warboys, and Scrotus' legions duking it out. No. There are loads of other bizarre and crazy characters in the Wasteland of Mad Max and here we get to meet a few more. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 7/13/15 — 7/17/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 17th of July 2015 - 11:10 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games It's been an intense last few weeks in video games and the news and I'm sorry we've missed a few recaps for the week. I blame E3 and SDCC for being so closely crammed together and there being so many new video games and experiences to have to cover. We are small but we are mighty when it comes to covering our video games. If we weren't you wouldn't have had those track listings for both Rock Band 4 and Guitar Hero Live to go through here. Read More...
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Mad Max Is Getting A Post-Apocalypse Edition…In Australia At Least
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 17th of July 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
A new listing shows that Mad Max is getting a Post-Apocalypse Edition that includes Fury Road and Mad Max license plates Those hoping for a great Mad Max collector's edition or premium edition can now look forward to the Post-Apocalypse Edition…at least if you live in Australia for now. Yes, this is a new addition for Avalanche Studios Mad Max and this edition comes packaged with the hit Mad Max: Fury Road as well as a few other goodies. All of which can be seen on the Australian EB Games pre-order page for Mad Max. This is why I state only in Australia for now as it has yet to show up in any other region yet but it would make sense that Warner Bros. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 6/22/15 — 6/26/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 26th of June 2015 - 11:00 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Finally we are back on track and getting all of the video game news and updates finally out there from E3. There was a whole lot to cover in the world of video games and we did our best to get everything we could during and after the week. This included some great hands on impressions for Mad Max, Guitar Hero Live, Drawn To Death, and Assassin's Creed Syndicate. These were also only some of the video games we were able to get to and we all know that there was a whole lot more but our team is limited here and we can only get to so many video games in the day. Read More...
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E3 2015 Hands On — Mad Max
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 22nd of June 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
While At E3 I Got To See Mad Max In A More Intimate Setting Than Just The Trailer. Here's My Take On It One of the games that helped start E3 off with a bang, at least for me, was Mad Max from Avalanche Studios. It was revealed back in 2013 before the new film was even a sparkle in our eyes by Avalanche Studios and it captured my attentions back then so I was overly excited to get to see how Mad Max has progressed over the years of development. It launches on September 1st for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC so hopefully it has made it to a state where we can remove the idea it is a Mad Max film tie-in title. Luckily I was able to lay hands on Mad Max at E3 so I can report back how it has progressed and if it will be worth our time in a few months here. Read More...
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Let The People Know & Blood Flow For Mad Max's Savage Road
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of May 2015 - 07:02 PM ]
There is a new Mad Max trailer that shows off a bit more on the game's story with hints of being linked to Mad Max: Fury Road By now I am sure most people have seen Mad Max: Fury Road and are familiar with the story of the Mad Max universe. Sure you could have had a nice filler from the original films and lore but now we can say everyone born after the 80's should know about Mad Max. Not that Avalanche Studios version of the game is directly linked but we can easily see how one influenced the other in the most recent story trailer for Mad Max. That being the film's new look and feel moving into the video game's look and feel. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 4/20/15 — 4/24/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 24th of April 2015 - 11:00 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Another week down and another week closer to having all of those video games that we keep talking about here. Or the DLC of said video games. You get the deal here. We had yet another productive week in video games and all of the news and updates we could have wanted. Granted we have the big Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 reveal coming over the weekend even though all of the 'leaks' and teases may have spoiled a bit of it all. We can ignore all of that and look towards Mad Max and whatever Marvel and Telltale have chambered for us in 2017. Read More...
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Mad Max Has A New Trailer The Size Of The Wasteland
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 23rd of April 2015 - 05:01 PM ]
A new gameplay overview trailer for Mad Max has been released and it shows how far Mad Max has evolved since we saw it so long ago If we haven't had anything to be excited for with Mad Max lately then get those motors running. We have a new gameplay trailer for Mad Max straight from Avalanche Studios and Warner Bros. Not only a new gameplay trailer but a gameplay overview to show off the game and how amazing it looks now that the team has had a massive amount of time to perfect everything. It looks like Mad Max is going to be a whole lot more than just brutal killing in a mad post-apocalyptic world that is the Wasteland. Read More...
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