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Second Extinction Roars Onto Game Pass Next Month
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of March 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Second Extinction Those looking to give Second Extinction a chance on Game Pass will be able to in April with the announcement of Second Extinction’s release date A little over a month ago we had word that those Xbox Game Pass holders were going to have a chance to get in on Second Extinction before the full release as the PC gamers have been in on the Early Access already. There just was never a final date for everyone to look forward to and Systemic Reaction kind of went silent after that. Well, in terms of all of this and until now with the announcement that Second Extinction will be out there on April 28th for those looking to have the fun there. Read More...
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Second Extinction Is Raging Onto The Xbox Game Preview Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 18th of February 2021 - 10:00 PM ]
Second Extinction The Dino-Multiplayer shooter, Second Extinction, is heading to the Xbox Game Preview program soon to give more players a shot with Second Extinction For a while now, it has only been the PC gamers out there that have been able to get in on the early stages of Second Extinction out there. That is looking to change here in the Spring with the announcement that Systemic Reaction is looking to bring gamers access to it all on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X. All of which through the Xbox Game Preview program that many have been taking advantage of for a bit now. Read More...
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Second Extinction Brings Us Some Raw Gameplay To Enjoy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of September 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Second Extinction New gameplay for Second Extinction is here and it shows off how some of the missions and action will play out in Second Extinction I know I have been waiting for some solid gameplay to come out for Second Extinction and it looks like the wait is about over, as that is what has been offered up to us here today. Even if it is all in an early form before Systemic Reaction gives gamers a chance to take on all of these dinos in the Early Access and then release on PC and Xbox systems. I mean, who has not been waiting for a good dinosaur shooter in the video game realm for a while now? Read More...
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Second Extinction Is Going Into An Early Access Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of August 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Second Extinction Second Extinction is getting an Early Access for PC gamers so we can help shape how Second Extinction’s dino hunting will go down Good news for those who need a bit of dinosaur hunting during their quarantine life, as we are getting an Early Access for Second Extinction this coming September. When in September, we have yet to get that word specifically. We just know it will be coming and PC gamers will be able to help shape how Second Extinction goes from now until Systemic Reaction finally puts it into a gold status. Read More...
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Rally Your Squad For To Reclaim Earth In The Second Extinction
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of May 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Second Extinction Another Co-Op title is announced, Second Extinction, that will have us go out and kill the dinosaurs out there and give them all a Second Extinction We have had a huge influx of zombies, Nazis, Nazi zombies, and killer robots in our video games as of late and now we have the announcement that we are going back to some other classic creatures to kill with Second Extinction. Those creatures being mutant dinosaurs that have taken over the planet in Systemic Reaction's upcoming title under the new Avalanche Studio Group. I am not certain that Second Extinction is the same title that was teased back when the merger was announced for all of the studios, but that does not really matter. Read More...
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Avalanche Studios Is Rebranding A Bit & Teasing A New Title
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of March 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Avalanche Studios An overhaul to Avalanche Studios has brought on a shift to the company being Avalanche Studios Group with one of their divisions teasing a new game to enjoy already Avalanche Studios, the makers of Just Cause, RAGE 2, and Mad Max to name a few, is going under a few changes here and is no longer just one studio. It is now a full group of studios that are coming together to bring us more video games to enjoy out there. All under the new banner of Avalanche Studios Group. Read More...
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Welcome To The Deadlands Of TerrorMania Of RAGE 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 15th of November 2019 - 06:00 PM ]
RAGE RAGE 2’s next expansion is now out there and ready for us to walk into the Deadlands that are within RAGE 2 Get ready to walk into the land of the dead in RAGE 2, as the next DLC is here and ready for us to download and take on. This would be the big TerrorMania one that we have heard of in the past that Avalanche Studios has been working on that will add a whole new shift to the world in the game. A shift into a new dimension that will be opened up in the most metal way ever. You know, that old trope of playing a record backward to summon up evil. Read More...
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The Ghosts Have Risen In The World Of RAGE 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 26th of September 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
RAGE 2 The Rise Of The Ghosts expansion for RAGE 2 is out now and fans of RAGE 2 can dive in to explore the new lands and factions plaguing the world For those that have stuck with RAGE 2 instead of the other wasteland shooters that have dropped out there, you need to be ready for a few things to change in the world. That is, if you picked up any version of the game that Bethesda was offering that came with the Season Pass. That or you are looking to further expand your experience with more from Avalanche Studios as the latest expansion is nowhere for our amusement. Read More...
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The Ghosts Are Rising Up In The Wastes Of RAGE 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of September 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
RAGE The first big expansion for RAGE 2 is almost here and we are getting a new faction and location in RAGE 2 to explore We are only a little bit out since RAGE 2 launched and we are back to see just how the game is going to expand just a bit more. Yes, it is time for all of that DLC that Avalanche Studios has been working on for the game and for us to dole out more cash to Bethesda here. That is if you did not already get a version of RAGE 2 that came with the Season Pass or access to the DLC here. This was not one of the bigger games out there, so it is possible. Read More...
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The Danger Is Rising As We Grind Our Way Back Into Just Cause 4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 8th of August 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Just Cause The next DLC for Just Cause 4 is on its way and we have a new look at what will be coming to Just Cause with a new hoverboard in tow Get ready for a bit more danger in Just Cause 4, as we have the next DLC on its way to us and a nice little tease to show off what we could be expecting. Okay, not what we could expect in it all but more along the lines of what we will be getting as Avalanche Studios is presenting it all rather well here. Obviously, we are getting more story to play in Just Cause 4. Read More...
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Demonic Forces Are Going To Start Terrorizing Just Cause 4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of May 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
Just Cause The next DLC for Just Cause 4 is coming this July and will have a whole swarm of enemies for the Just Cause crew to take on It looks like things are getting even stranger in the world of Just Cause 4 as we have a new look at the next upcoming DLC for the game and it looks like the world is truly going to Hell. That is, in the story, the Black Hand have released ancient demonic forces into the world and it will be up to Rico and crew to fix it all. Even if it seems like it will be all located on the island in the game, not something that will truly destroy the world. Read More...
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Find Out How We Made It To The Point Of RAGE 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 9th of May 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
RAGE The launch trailer for RAGE 2 is here and with it comes some time-bending fun and a deeper look at what will be going on in RAGE 2 We are now mere days away from the launch of RAGE 2 with May 14th literally around a weekend corner. Some of us, myself included, have been looking forward to this day for a while now even if many others have been shocked to hear that Bethesda went ahead with the title given the previous one's sales. It looks like that will not hold anything back when you have a team like Avalanche Studios and ID Software excited and working. Good thing too, as we have seen a whole lot and now we are back with the launch trailer for RAGE 2 to give us all a bit more before it hits the PS4, Xbox One, and PC next week. Read More...
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Get To Know The Locations & Enemies Of RAGE 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of May 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
RAGE A breakdown of some of the enemy types of RAGE 2 is here as well as a nice look at the different lands of RAGE 2 we will be destroying soon The hype for RAGE 2 is starting to flow out even more with just a week out from the official release of the game. There is no doubt that we have not seen a lot of this from Bethesda over the past few months since the game was surprised announced, but we are in the endgame here for the cycle and that means much more. At least much more that will not spoil RAGE 2 and the hard work that Avalanche Studios has put into so far. This includes one more quick look at the enemies and locations of the game that we will soon be shooting up in the game. Read More...
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Things Are Getting Interesting For RAGE 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 26th of April 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
RAGE If you were still wondering just what RAGE 2 is, then sit back and get ready for a new breakdown of just what is coming to RAGE 2 Because it seems like we can never get enough footage of RAGE 2, we have even more to look at here today with a nice little showing of just what will be coming to the game. It feels like we have heard this multiple times already out of Avalanche Studios, but what is wrong with one more reminder. Not only that, but also the reminder that we do not need to power our way through the original RAGE to know what is going on in this game. Read More...
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There Is Going To Be A Lot To Upgrade In RAGE 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of April 2019 - 07:00 PM ]
RAGE A new first look at RAGE 2 goes into all of the specifics and details we will be able to upgrade in RAGE 2 and how that will change things There is no doubt that we are going to see a whole lot of upgrading in RAGE 2 as it really is the best way to keep us progressing through a crazy open world that the game is going to be set in. It is also a good way for Avalanche Studios to make sure we are not overpowered at the beginning of the game and need to get better along the way. You know, video games have to video game and RAGE 2 is no exception at all. Read More...
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