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Second Extinction Roars Onto Game Pass Next Month
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of March 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Second Extinction Those looking to give Second Extinction a chance on Game Pass will be able to in April with the announcement of Second Extinction’s release date A little over a month ago we had word that those Xbox Game Pass holders were going to have a chance to get in on Second Extinction before the full release as the PC gamers have been in on the Early Access already. There just was never a final date for everyone to look forward to and Systemic Reaction kind of went silent after that. Well, in terms of all of this and until now with the announcement that Second Extinction will be out there on April 28th for those looking to have the fun there. Read More...
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Second Extinction Is Raging Onto The Xbox Game Preview Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 18th of February 2021 - 10:00 PM ]
Second Extinction The Dino-Multiplayer shooter, Second Extinction, is heading to the Xbox Game Preview program soon to give more players a shot with Second Extinction For a while now, it has only been the PC gamers out there that have been able to get in on the early stages of Second Extinction out there. That is looking to change here in the Spring with the announcement that Systemic Reaction is looking to bring gamers access to it all on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X. All of which through the Xbox Game Preview program that many have been taking advantage of for a bit now. Read More...
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Second Extinction Brings Us Some Raw Gameplay To Enjoy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of September 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Second Extinction New gameplay for Second Extinction is here and it shows off how some of the missions and action will play out in Second Extinction I know I have been waiting for some solid gameplay to come out for Second Extinction and it looks like the wait is about over, as that is what has been offered up to us here today. Even if it is all in an early form before Systemic Reaction gives gamers a chance to take on all of these dinos in the Early Access and then release on PC and Xbox systems. I mean, who has not been waiting for a good dinosaur shooter in the video game realm for a while now? Read More...
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Second Extinction Is Going Into An Early Access Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of August 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Second Extinction Second Extinction is getting an Early Access for PC gamers so we can help shape how Second Extinction’s dino hunting will go down Good news for those who need a bit of dinosaur hunting during their quarantine life, as we are getting an Early Access for Second Extinction this coming September. When in September, we have yet to get that word specifically. We just know it will be coming and PC gamers will be able to help shape how Second Extinction goes from now until Systemic Reaction finally puts it into a gold status. Read More...
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Rally Your Squad For To Reclaim Earth In The Second Extinction
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of May 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Second Extinction Another Co-Op title is announced, Second Extinction, that will have us go out and kill the dinosaurs out there and give them all a Second Extinction We have had a huge influx of zombies, Nazis, Nazi zombies, and killer robots in our video games as of late and now we have the announcement that we are going back to some other classic creatures to kill with Second Extinction. Those creatures being mutant dinosaurs that have taken over the planet in Systemic Reaction's upcoming title under the new Avalanche Studio Group. I am not certain that Second Extinction is the same title that was teased back when the merger was announced for all of the studios, but that does not really matter. Read More...
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