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Signs Are Pointing To No PSX In The US For 2018
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of September 2018 - 09:00 PM ]
PSX A recent interview has dropped the bomb that this year’s PSX will not happen, but for a reason to make us look for next year’s PSX Sad news for those looking forward to this year's PlayStation Experience, or PSX, as it looks like it will not be happening this year. At least in the United States. All of which being stated by Shawn Layden (PlayStation Worldwide Studios Chairman) on the latest PlayStation Blogcast. Although, given what was said, we cannot truly fault the company as the main reason for losing PSX this year is that they do not have enough to show off this year to necessitate a full PSX to happen. Read More...
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New Gameplay For Vane Is Out There Now For Us all To Take In
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 22nd of December 2017 - 10:00 PM ]
Vane More gameplay for Vane was shown off at this year's PSX and it gives us yet another look at just what Vane may have in store for us We finally have some new gameplay for Vane out of the most recent PSX that has already past us all by. Not only some new gameplay, but it also looks like Friend And Foe were on site to give us all a bit of the information we have all been looking for since the first gameplay trailer for the game dropped on us. Vane looked a bit like Journey or Limbo to me and that was kind of the point it seems as the team is small and doing what they can to give us a whole wide world to move and play in. Hopefully with a bit more to understand for it all when it does finally hit the PS4 next year, hopefully. Read More...
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The Shadow Of The Colossus Remake Has Gone A Long Way
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of December 2017 - 10:00 PM ]
Shadow Of The Colossus We have a new comparison video for Shadow Of The Colossus to show just how much work the remaster of Shadow Of The Colossus has been given More footage for Shadow Of The Colossus has been placed out there and placed out there to make sure that we all know how much work Bluepoint Games has put into making this the best version of the game to date. That would have always been the assumption for a remake or a remaster of any game, but now we get to see it all with our own eyes. That and we get to see just how Shadow Of The Colossus truly looked back on the PS2 and PS3 days there and then long for the day that it hits the PS4. Read More...
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See How Successful We Can Be In Detroit: Become Human
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of December 2017 - 10:00 PM ]
Detroit Another gameplay walkthrough for Detroit: Become Human happened during the PSX and we get to see the devs be successful in Detroit: Become Human There was no chance of having the PlayStation Experience this year without adding in the fun of Detroit: Become Human. Especially with it still slated to release during the first half of 2018 as long as there are no hiccups for Quantic Dream or anything. It is still possible, but that does not change the fact that there was a chance to check out the same old game demo we have been getting since E3 for Detroit: Become Human. The big twist here is that the team showed off a more successful version of the demo that they have in the past. Read More...
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MediEvil Is Officially Getting A Remaster For The PS4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of December 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
MediEvil It looks like a proper MediEvil remaster is coming as a 4K version of MediEvil was announced during this year's PlayStation Experience Back in 2015, rumors began to circle that there was a MediEvil remake or remaster in the works when a video popped up online showing just that. Everyone swarmed to it thinking it was the case but as it turned out this was just a fan remaking a level in Unreal 4 for fun and not something that Sony was officially working on for the PS4. It was sad to see that, but this version of MediEvil looked amazing and rekindled a lot of hope of getting a new title out of all of it. As it turns out, that excitement and interest was noticed as we are now getting a full remaster of the game on the PS4 sometime in 2018 now. Read More...
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So Many Developers & Games Will Be At The PlayStation Experience This Year
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 23rd of November 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
PlayStation The list of developers heading to the PlayStation Experience this year has been released as well as which PlayStation games they will be showing off there It is that time of year again as we all get ready for the annual PlayStation Experience and look forward to the media and gaming smorgasbord for the platform that it all entails. It is a two-day extravaganza where all of the PS4, PS3, PS Vita, PS VR, and upcoming PS Now titles are shown off to all of those eager gamers. By now you should know the drill, but we have so many new gamers out there each day it makes sense to recap it all. Read More...
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More Story Is Coming To Uncharted With Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of December 2016 - 10:00 PM ]
Uncharted At PSX it was shown that Uncharted: The Lost Legacy was going to be coming as a massive story DLC bit for Uncharted 4 to carry it on just a little further If you were able to catch anything out of PSX then you know that it all started off with a bang with Uncharted: The Lost Legacy getting shown off. Some thought it could have been another Tomb Raider thing and a few other ideas were floating around but none the less Naughty Dog is bringing yet another great experience to the PS4 with this extra bit of DLC. That's right, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is some DLC for Uncharted 4 in the end; but it is the biggest story DLC that the developers have ever put out and it will keep you playing the final game just a bit longer so that is all good. Read More...
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The Last Of Us Part II Has Finally Been Announced With A Few Details
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 5th of December 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
The Last Of Us The continuation for The Last Of Us has been announced at PSX and it looks like The Last Of Us Part II will be changing a few things up for us in a good way If you were living under a rock over the weekend or just took a break then you may have missed that The Last Of Us Part II was finally given the announcement that many were hoping for. This would be the sequel to Naughty Dogs critically acclaimed apocalypse game that I'd be surprised to find any gamer who has not heard of it by now. Even with it being a PS3/PS4 exclusive title I am sure that many have heard or watched The Last Of Us on YouTube at the very least. Read More...
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The PlayStation Experience Is Bringing A Lot Of Games To The Masses
by Julia Schoebel [ Wednesday, 23rd of November 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
PlayStation The list of video games that will be at the PlayStation Experience has been released as well as the PlayStation Experience panels to sit through In just about a week the gaming community will descending on Anaheim to take part in this year's PlayStation Experience. We've seen a lot of developers already that have been on the list to show off some goods out there and now we get to finally see what will be on the floor and playable. Here we have the list of video games that will be at the PlayStation Experience. They run the gamut of PS3 to PS4 to PS VR and so forth, as was to be expected, and some of them are games that most of the masses out there have yet to be able to experience. Read More...
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So, Who All Will Be At The PlayStation Experience This Year
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of November 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
PlayStation The list of developers heading to the PlayStation Experience this year has been released and we can all speculate which PlayStation games they will be showing off there The PlayStation Experience is quickly coming up as December 3rd and 4th are only weeks away now. We've been given a few details on it all and now we get to add to that information a long list of developers who will be on the floor out there showing off what they have for the PS4, PS VR, and PS Vita in the coming years. Sadly we don't have a list of the actual games that will be shown off but given that some of the devs here will have games coming out days or weeks after I think we can rest assured we will see the PlayStation versions of all of those titles. Sadly though, we won't be seeing God Of War even though the devs will be there. Read More...
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The PlayStation Experience Is Making The Rounds Again This Year With Another New Location
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 28th of September 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
PlayStation The PlayStation Experience registration site has been updated and show dates for 2016 and a new location the PlayStation Experience too Just like last year, if you were wondering if the PlayStation Experience was coming back for another romp this year then you can rest assured as it is announced as of right now. Last year we caught wind of it all a bit earlier on but now it looks like they have been holding out a bit longer as it looks like the dates and location for this year's event have shown up on the event's website. As it all looks, the PlayStation Experience for this year will be on December 3rd and 4th at the at Anaheim Convention Center, California. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 8/10/15 — 8/14/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of August 2015 - 11:00 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Thus concludes another week in video games here. It's been kind of a scattered mess all week as to what we have been getting but none the less we had another fun week for all things video games. I know I am happy to see that Rise Of The Tomb Raider is going to have a lot of what made the franchise amazing back in it. Then there is all the new stuff we had for Mad Max and all the multiplayer beta stuff for Black Ops 3. Oh and let us not discount the fact that the PlayStation Experience is coming back this year even though it is heading off to another city. Read More...
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