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Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming June 2018
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 30th of May 2018 - 09:00 PM ]
Video Games The list of free video games hitting the PlayStation and Xbox systems in June has been released and there are some great video games included in the mix A new month is almost on us here with June and that means new video games that we are going to get for free. Well, video games that you will get for free if you are part of the PlayStation Plus or Xbox Gold services. If you are then you may be in for a treat as the list of titles going live starting next month is here and we have it for you. Again, we get to expand out titles on the Xbox One and PS4 without needing to make any extra spends at our local stores. Read More...
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XCOM 2 Is Now Expanding Into The Console Territory
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of June 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
XCOM 2 With the success of XCOM 2 on the PC platforms it looks like fans have finally been able to get XCOM 2 headed to the consoles this September We all wanted and demanded it and now it looks like Firaxis Games has given in and now we have XCOM 2 on its way to the major consoles as well. Of course they are not doing the work directly as 2K Games has brought on The Workshop to help usher the game over to the new platform but given their history that isn't a bad thing. Especially since now we can all keep an eye out to see XCOM 2 hit the PS4 and Xbox One on September 6th of this year. If you don't live in the North American region that date would be September 9th. Read More...
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XCOM 2's Deluxe Edition Offers Up Some Form Of Retaliation
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of December 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
XCOM 2 A new trailer for XCOM 2 and details on the new Digital Deluxe Edition of XCOM 2 have been released to bring more saviors of humanity into the fold Add another special edition game to your list as XCOM 2 now has its own Digital Deluxe Edition up for pre-order with its own set of goodies. Not only does this one come with Firaxis Games' upcoming XCOM 2 but also the Reinforcement Pack and a digital soundtrack for the game. All for the low, low price of $74.99 USD. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 8/17/15 — 8/21/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 21st of August 2015 - 11:03 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Another week in video games down and many, many more to go. Even if this week was a bit on the roller coaster ride that we usually use to describe weeks that occur before major conventions. PAX Prime is coming up so I am sure that all of the other big announcements and reveals will happen then. That's not saying we didn't have some great stuff for Until Dawn, Batman: Arkham Knight, and Mad Max this week. Hells, we also had one of the best announcements for Kingdom Heart III with Big Hero 6 getting its time in the sun when that game finally hits the market. Read More...
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Step Aboard The Avenger Of XCOM 2 & Strategize
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of August 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
New gameplay for XCOM 2 has been released and it focuses on the strategy elements of XCOM 2 as well as living in a big ass ship You wanted more gameplay for XCOM 2. Well now you are getting more gameplay for XCOM 2. The only thing is that we are not getting the turn-based gameplay but the strategy stuff that Firaxis Games is taking great care into allowing us to micromanage every little aspect of XCOM 2 with. Just what all of us were looking for with the franchise as it moves on from its better titles and leave the crummier ones in the dust. XCOM fans can be so harsh it is kind of a surprise that 2K Games was going to take another chance but I guess they think they will appease all of you. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 6/1/15 — 6/5/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 5th of June 2015 - 11:00 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games What a week we have had in video games here huh? We had Fallout 4 officially announced. We had XCOM 2officially announced. We had a whole lot of Batman: Arkham Knight news and videos. We even were able to get a whole bunch more on some new video game characters in the way of Overwatch and Drawn To Death. All of those characters have yet to be seen in a video games as of yet so they are all knew to us and deserving of the time. I expect cosplaying to come soon now as we have a larger list of video game character to choose from. Read More...
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XCOM 2 Was Teased But Now Is Fully Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of June 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
Earlier it was announced that XCOM 2 is coming from Firaxis Games and 2K Games after a lengthy feeling teaser campaign What many thought was a possible BioShock teaser from 2K Games has finally turned out to be none other than XCOM 2. Yes, we are finally getting a full on sequel to the franchise that is going to build off XCOM: Enemy Unknown. It looks like Firaxis Games is looking to ignore The Bureau and just move on with the whole story. Most likely a good move here but we are not going to focus on what XCOM 2 is not going to be. Read More...
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