It's been an intense last few weeks in video games and the news and I'm sorry we've missed a few recaps for the week. I blame E3 and SDCC for being so closely crammed together and there being so many new video games and experiences to have to cover. We are small but we are mighty when it comes to covering our video games. If we weren't you wouldn't have had those track listings for both Rock Band 4 and Guitar Hero Live to go through here. Or the fact that we are still sifting through the video game news and everything else we have for Black Ops III, Assassin's Creed, and The Walking Dead that we had from last week. Mighty indeed.
Pushing on and upwards as our video games do, we are still hard at work to bring you more news and more reviews. Those conventions and events have us a little behind on a few things but we are catching up. We still have Tales From The Borderlands, Wander, The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter, and soon Game Of Thrones all chambered up and going in the review side of things. That's also not taking into account the other great video games on the hot seat and all the general video game news to serve up. Gods I love this industry. Hopefully you do too and are not here just on accident or to silently mock our work here. We'll go with the love of video games.
As with every week, here's what we were able to cover in the world of video games. Have a look through and feel free to comment. Outside of that, Happy Gaming!
- Rock Band 4's Track List Expands Even Further
- Heroes Reborn Is Getting Two Games To Expand The Universe
- Have A Look At The New Zombies For Call Of Duty: Black Ops III
- Prototype Biohazard Bundle Brings Both Titles Back For The Next Gen Systems
- Guitar Hero Live Gets Ten More Tracks & A Pre-Order Incentive
- God Of War III Remastered Is Now Out & Kratos Is Destroying The PS4 Gods
- A Longer Wait For Dead Island 2 As Deep Silver Parts With YAGER
- More Until Dawn Screenshots To Tide Our Teenage Bloodlust
- The Many Different Ways Just Cause 3 Was Played At E3
- The Undead Finally Come In Game Of Thrones — Ep. 5: A Nest Of Vipers
- Two More Possible Characters For Drawn To Death Shown Off
- See A Small Bit Of The Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection In Action
- Mad Max Is Getting A Post-Apocalypse Edition…In Australia At Least
- Dreams Can Come True As Dream Has A Launch Date Now
- Flow Through History With Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey