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Comic Con Issue #0
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 27th of July 2009 - 11:23 PM ]
Preview Night Comic Con 2009, has come and gone. While San Diego cleans up after the mess that was left behind from the geek's the world over, I figured I'd give you all a daily recap of what happened during the con as well as a little of the after hours stuff that we at Aggrogamer were able to partake in. By we, myself and Corey. But we still left a heavy presence behind. Read More...
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Comic Con '09 Hands-On Impressions of Dante's Inferno
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 27th of July 2009 - 09:47 PM ]
Dante's Inferno So at E3 this year, we were all given some great teases as to what to expect for Dante's Inferno from EA. All in the form of an extended trailer and a little bit of watching the designers play through a level showing off their game. No solid hands on experience, but it was still a great sight to see. But it did leave me wanting more to really get a feel for the game. Something EA was obviously waiting to let people do at Comic Con. Read More...
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