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SDCC Experience — The Walking Dead Escape 2015
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 23rd of July 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead Escape Was Back At SDCC Giving All Of Us A Feel For What A Survival Horror Game Really Feels Like Another SDCC down and another fun run of The Walking Dead Escape to show us all how a survival horror kind of game could be like in the real world. If this is your first time reading about The Walking Dead Escape this would be the zombie obstacle course that has been set up out in San Diego's Petco Park for the fourth year running. Pun intended. The quick breakdown, if you don't want to read our original write up, is that you get grouped together with a small group of other "Runners" and then set loose to get from one end of a set up obstacle course to the other all while a group of other paid participants dressed as the "Walkers" try to corner you and end your life. Read More...
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The Dead Rise Again At SDCC With The Walking Dead Escape
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 2nd of July 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead Escape is back at SDCC 2015 giving all of us a feel for what a Survival Horror game really feels like in the world of The Walking Dead Looks like the SDCC tradition just keeps going as The Walking Dead Escape is making its return again to SDCC 2015. This would be the live action, survival horror experience set in the world of The Walking Dead that graced Petco Park back in 2012 and has been going strong ever since. The only difference this year is it would seem that this video game-like experience is being brought to life even more not with just the TV show but also it sounds like the other media platforms and versions are making a show during The Walking Dead Escape. Notably one of the best characters from the franchise; Negan. Read More...
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SDCC Experience: The Walking Dead Escape
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 31st of July 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead Escape was back at SDCC giving all of us a feel for what a Survival Horror game really feels like For the third year running (pun intended) I was able to experience The Walking Dead Escape at SDCC. I broke down what it was all about before but I'll give the quick version just in case you are lazy. In a nut shell it is a real world survival horror event that tests if you could escape from one end of a location, Petco Park in this case, to the other without being swarmed by the undead horde. The Walking Dead Escape of course using portions of the AMC show, comic books, and video games to theme everything. Read More...
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The Walking Dead Escape Is Again Letting Us Play A Survival Game At SDCC
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 1st of July 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
The Walking Dead Escape is coming back to San Diego Comic Con for a third year and is allowing us gamers to try to survive a zombie apocalypse game in real life If there has been one thing that has caught my love over the last few years at San Diego Comic Con it has to be The Walking Dead Escape. If you haven't seen or heard of it or seen it you can see my 2013 run and my 2012 run or you can just look around online as the event is still touring around the country giving all of us gamers a chance to test our mettle in a real live zombie apocalypse of sorts. If you are just one of those lazy people here I'll recap what the event is all about. In a nut shell they people who put on the event take over an arena, mall, or large building structure and do it and its surroundings up as if it was a location from The Walking Dead show or comic. Read More...
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Playing A Real World Zombie Game - The Walking Dead Escape
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 26th of July 2013 - 04:34 PM ]
Just as last year, The Walking Dead Escape was back with a vengeance at Petco Park during the San Diego Comic Con. For the uninitiated this is an event where a good portion of the sports arena in San Diego was converted into an obstacle course in the theme of AMC's The Walking Dead. It really allows for people to really test their mettle and some of their survival skills to brag that they could survive the initial zombie outbreak. I was lucky enough to get to run the course again this year and what I found interesting was that most people I ran with compared the experience to most of the action zombie video games on the market today. Granted we were not allowed to attack the zombies in the run, but I would have to agree with the sentiment as there has been a push in the industry with Outlast and Dying Light this year. Read More...
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Play The Walking Dead For Real At Comic Con
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 2nd of July 2012 - 08:37 PM ]
So by now you've most likely played Telltale's The Walking Dead, read the comic or seen the show. If anything you at least are interested in the zombie apocalypse scenario. Well here is something that those interested in any of those things mention will find pretty damn awesome. If you are at San Diego Comic Con next week you will have the chance to actually play "the game" for real. The game being that of surviving in a world where the dead have escaped the Underworld and are coming for your flesh. This isn't some small obstacle course set up as fun for promotions either. Read More...
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