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Dive Deeper Into The Living Lands We Will Explore In Avowed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 19th of January 2024 - 08:00 PM ]
Avowed A new deep dive for Avowed is out there with a look at many different facets that are within Avowed One of the larger titles that came to light during the recent Xbox Developer stream was Avowed. A title that had been announced a bit ago, but it seemed as if it was time that Obsidian Entertainment wanted to offer up a deeper look at the game. Given that we have had very little for Avowed up to now, these kinds of things are always greatly appreciated. So many Xbox Series X|S and PC gamers are looking for another fantasy, action RPG to lose hours in. Read More...
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The Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition Is Bringing The Game To The Next-Gen
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 1st of March 2023 - 06:00 PM ]
The Outer Worlds Fans of The Outer Worlds need to get excited for a true next-gen experience with The Outer Worlds: Spacer’s Choice Edition soon Those who were massive fans of The Outer Worlds when it first dropped out there will be glad to know, there is a new updated version of the game coming to the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. A new version that Obsidian Entertainment has been working on and Private Division has been keeping going. A new version that will hold all of the DLC and many other updates to the game. Read More...
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The Outer Worlds 2 Is Announced In The Most Spectacular Way At E3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of June 2021 - 09:00 PM ]
The Outer Worlds The Outer Worlds saga will continue with the announcement for The Outer Worlds 2 during this year's virtual E3 events The headline here kind of says it all, as The Outer Worlds 2 is officially going to be a title in the future after getting added into the mix of the other Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC games we had during the Xbox event for E3 this year. Obsidian Entertainment made another huge splash with this new IP the first time around, so it was more or less expected to see that they would be bringing us all more for it. I know I sunk a whole lot of time into The Outer Worlds before and am interested to see where it all goes from there. Read More...
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There Will Soon Be A Murder On Eridanos Within The Outer Worlds
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 11th of March 2021 - 10:00 PM ]
The Outer Worlds The next big DLC for The Outer Worlds, Murder On Eridanos, has a release date to wrap up the final story bits for The Outer Worlds The second and final DLC for The Outer Worlds is now coming to us soon and it is much sooner than this posting might allude to. That is, normally we see some build-up for this kind of release from Obsidian Entertainment and now we are just here to know when it is coming. Without much more on our end, you can now expect to see this new DLC for The Outer Worlds to land on all of the platforms on March 17th. Yes, it is going to be that soon with such little to go one before now in terms of keeping us all enthralled. Read More...
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The Koi Are Out In Force In The Next Update For Grounded
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of November 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
Grounded A new update for Grounded is out there and it will be adding a massive Koi pond to Grounded among other updates The updates keep flowing out there into the world of Grounded and this time we have a new one that will add in a Koi Pond for us to navigate and explore. I mean, the title here kind of gives all of that away but it needed to be said here before we go into the little extras that Obsidian Entertainment gave with that announcement. It is sure to be something that gamers on the Xbox One and PC will be glad to see if there are giving Grounded a go right now and want something extra to explore. Especially since we are going to be getting gear that lets us go underwater for a bit. Read More...
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Let Us Take A Closer Look At Life In The Backyard For Grounded
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of September 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Grounded A new video blog is here for Grounded that gives us a little more insight into the insect life of Grounded and what to expect out there Given that Grounded is still in that good old Early Access and preview stage for PC and Xbox One, there should be many different updates and changes expected as we head forward. Something that anyone that has been in on the game for a while now will know is happening from Obsidian Entertainment. They want it to be huge, pun intended, and get more players out there into the world of Grounded. Read More...
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Have A Bit Of A Look About Gorgon For The Outer Worlds
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of September 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
The Outer Worlds New gameplay is here for The Outer Worlds’ upcoming DLC that gives us a feel for how it will add to the overall experience for The Outer Worlds Next week on September 9th we are going to have another reason to head back into The Outer Worlds and experience what the game still has for us. The first big narrative DLC for the game is coming and we have a bit more of a look at what this will be adding to the overall game. I mean, besides more story and all of the things that go along with that so far in The Outer Worlds. Read More...
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Thrills, Danger, & Intrigue Will Be Coming To The Outer Worlds
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of July 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
The Outer Worlds The Outer Worlds is expanding with the first narrative expansion coming to The Outer Worlds as we head out into the Peril On Gorgon We have been waiting for the expansions for The Outer Worlds to start dropping in a narrative format, and now we get to see the first one come at us here soon. Soon if you want to consider September 9th soon, but it could be a lot further way if you want to go down a darker timeline for the world. Either way, we are getting this expansion for The Outer Worlds on the PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC now and we will like it. Read More...
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Grounded Is Heading Over To The Xbox Game Preview In July
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of April 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Grounded We have a new look at Grounded with a bit more on the story and then a nice big batch of new gameplay for Grounded to take in Get ready to relive a bit of some fun nostalgia, of sorts, as Grounded is heading to the Xbox Game Preview on July 28th for the Xbox One. It will also be heading over to the PC via a Steam Early Access on the same date so Obsidian Entertainment shows off just what is going on with the game at this point. All so we can get a fun version of Honey I Shrunk The Kids on as we try to survive in the game portion of Grounded here. Do not read that as a knock on the game at all as I am excited about it all and all of this new footage, we have here just added to all of that excitement now. Read More...
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The Outer Worlds Is Blasting Onto The Switch In March
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of January 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
The Outer Worlds The Outer Worlds, the award-winning RPG from Obsidian, is hopping onto the Switch for more players to take The Outer Worlds on the move It should have been a given that it was going to happen, The Outer Worlds is heading over to the Switch here in March. Just as any other big titles out there that do well on the PS4, Xbox One, or PC it will make its way over. Obsidian Entertainment may have had this planned from the start of it all, but it usually happens after the game does well on the other platforms first now. Nonetheless, The Outer Worlds will be coming to the Switch to take on the go on March 6th if you have held out or just want another reason to throw down $59. Read More...
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Get Ready To Head Out & Explore The Outer Worlds
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of December 2018 - 10:00 PM ]
Outer Worlds A new RPG has been announced, The Outer Worlds, and it looks like the teams behind The Outer Worlds will be using what they know best to bring it to us The next game from Obsidian Entertainment has been teased and now we all know that it is coming at us in the way of The Outer Worlds. Well, maybe you knew that or maybe you did not before coming in here. You do know and that is the important part as many have been trying to figure out what they had up their sleeves since rumors started to circle. Read More...
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It Looks Like There Is Some New Fallout Speculation Out There
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Tuesday, 11th of April 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Fallout Things out in the rumor mill about Fallout are pointing to Bethesda announcing a new open-world Fallout game at E3 this year Sometimes it’s cool to wonder and speculate. When Bethesda did their first big E3 press conference they unveiled the long anticipated Fallout 4 in a mighty fine fashion. I was just as surprised to see them making it an annual thing with BE3 2017 confirmed just a few months ago. Now I wouldn’t expect them to keep showing up unless they have something huge coming. Read More...
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Review: South Park: The Stick Of Truth
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
We Sit Down And Review South Park The Stick of Truth. Was it worth the delays and the hype? Is this their Magnum Opus? The moment has arrived, finally. South Park: The Stick Of Truth has finally launched and I have had the chance to give the turn-based-RPG a good play. Matt and Trey were hoping that they wouldn't be getting a 4/10 on Gamespot or any other crappy reviews for the game. How do you think they fared? Let me break it down for you and let you know what I think and if it is worth your time and money. Read More...
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South Park The Stick Of Truth Gets Even More Censorship
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of February 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
South Park The Stick Of Truth is hit with further censorship. This time in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. What is being taken out? It's games like South Park The Stick Of Truth that make me happy to live in a country that doesn't openly censor entertainment content. I won't go down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories about that in the US but on a whole it isn't done as much as it seems to happen outside. Personally it is a little shocking what makes it in this nation of prudes but not other, more open cultures but it would seem that in this case we in the US are okay with anal probing as a whole. Jesting and personal views aside, below we have a lift of scenes that have had about 20 second edits to the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of South Park The Stick Of Truth in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Read More...
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Here We Go With The Tutorials For South Park The Stick Of Truth
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 17th of February 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
We have a new gameplay video for South Park The Stick Of Truth and it showcases the first tutorials of the game. We are mere weeks away from getting South Park The Stick Of Truth in our homes. Wouldn't it be nice to spoil the first mission and tutorials so we can fly right into the game? Of course it would be. I just happen to be able to oblige you with video of all of that as well. If you don't care to be spoiled, feel free to hop on down and check out the first thirteen minutes or so of South Park The Stick Of Truth. Read More...
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