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The Koi Are Out In Force In The Next Update For Grounded
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of November 2020 - 10:00 PM ]
Grounded A new update for Grounded is out there and it will be adding a massive Koi pond to Grounded among other updates The updates keep flowing out there into the world of Grounded and this time we have a new one that will add in a Koi Pond for us to navigate and explore. I mean, the title here kind of gives all of that away but it needed to be said here before we go into the little extras that Obsidian Entertainment gave with that announcement. It is sure to be something that gamers on the Xbox One and PC will be glad to see if there are giving Grounded a go right now and want something extra to explore. Especially since we are going to be getting gear that lets us go underwater for a bit. Read More...
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Let Us Take A Closer Look At Life In The Backyard For Grounded
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of September 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Grounded A new video blog is here for Grounded that gives us a little more insight into the insect life of Grounded and what to expect out there Given that Grounded is still in that good old Early Access and preview stage for PC and Xbox One, there should be many different updates and changes expected as we head forward. Something that anyone that has been in on the game for a while now will know is happening from Obsidian Entertainment. They want it to be huge, pun intended, and get more players out there into the world of Grounded. Read More...
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Grounded Is Heading Over To The Xbox Game Preview In July
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of April 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Grounded We have a new look at Grounded with a bit more on the story and then a nice big batch of new gameplay for Grounded to take in Get ready to relive a bit of some fun nostalgia, of sorts, as Grounded is heading to the Xbox Game Preview on July 28th for the Xbox One. It will also be heading over to the PC via a Steam Early Access on the same date so Obsidian Entertainment shows off just what is going on with the game at this point. All so we can get a fun version of Honey I Shrunk The Kids on as we try to survive in the game portion of Grounded here. Do not read that as a knock on the game at all as I am excited about it all and all of this new footage, we have here just added to all of that excitement now. Read More...
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