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Skylanders Trap Team Adds More Kaos To The Mix
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of September 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
A new gameplay mode for Skylanders Trap Team has been announced called the Kaos Doom Challenge and plays like a tower defense Just in case giving us the ability to use and play as the villains in Skylanders Trap Team wasn't enough, it looks like we are getting yet another mode to play the game in. No longer do we have just a fun little platformer game but now we are looking at a "tower defense" of sorts making its way into the game in the form of the Kaos Doom Challenge. There is something about that word and Kaos that I can't just seem to put my finger on…* Anyways, this new gameplay mode for Skylanders Trap Team looks to pit players and all of their Skylanders in a 100 wave of "doom" where enemies will be flooding the arena to take you down. Mixed in will be the "Mystery Box of Doom" that will unleash gigantic villains into the mix to ensure your ultimate doom. Read More...
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Things Are Looking Dark For Skylanders Trap Team Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of July 2014 - 07:06 PM ]
A new collectors for Skylanders Trap Team has been announced called the Dark Edition It has been well reported that we will be able to trap villains and use them in the upcoming Skylanders Trap Team. This also includes the likes of Kaos, the main villain over the past few titles. This of course requiring a special add-on to the physical game in the form of keys which are purchased separately like all of the toys; this would include the special Kaos trap. That is if you don't purchase the new Skylanders Trap Team Dark Edition Starter Pack. In this pack for Skylanders Trap Team you will get said trap key for Kaos, as well as variant prints for the basic starter edition packs, the new portal, and two extra trap keys. Read More...
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E3 2014 Impressions: Skylanders: Trap Team
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of June 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
While At E3 I Got To See Skylanders: Trap Team In A More Intimate Setting Than Just The Trailer. Here's My Take On It There have been others out there to try and clone the Skylanders experience but none can do it like Toys For Bob and they are doing it again with Skylanders: Trap Team. This will be the fourth major title in the series and the third one that the developer has been 100% behind. Just when you thought that they were not going to be able to innovate and/or drain more cash from your wallet, it looks like they have and will. I got to check out some of the new features that will actually keep me dropping load of cash for Skylanders: Trap Team. Read More...
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The Best Viral Marketing Award Goes To Watch_Dogs And Ubisoft
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of May 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Ubisoft set out to give real people the real world experience of Watch_Dogs in their latest marketing campaign. I think the headline here covers exactly what is going on with this latest bit of marketing for Watch_Dogs. In this latest bit I think we can all agree would be the most game selling experience if anyone ever experienced it and didn't even know that Watch_Dogs existed. Yes, this is that cool. What happened here? Read More...
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It's Time For Some Watch_Dogs 101 To Lead Into The Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 13th of May 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
A new video for Watch_Dogs has been released to help you learn the ropes of the game just before launch. Watch_Dogs is only weeks from launching on all platforms sans the Wii U. If you haven't been keeping up with all of the news, videos, and screens shots for the game, worry not. Here is a new trailer for the game that showcases all of the ins and outs of Watch_Dogs and its many different game modes and features. Also another fun look at the different characters in the game to show how they better fit into the stereotypes of Hackers. Here you go with the video that will walk you through Watch_Dogs 101. Read More...
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Meet The Wild Bunch Of Watch_Dogs In The Latest Trailer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 8th of May 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
A new trailer for Watch_Dogs shows off the friends, enemies, and other people Aiden will have. We are getting closer to the release of Watch_Dogs so it is high time we get to know the other characters of the game that will not be controlled directly by you. Yea, it is time to meet the heroes, villains, and secondary characters of the game that will most likely have an impact on the overall story for us. The new trailer below is a nice montage to all of these people but they really don't say who falls into what category for Aiden. Well outside of T-Bone who has already been shown to be an ally of sorts in previous gameplay trailers or gameplay footage. Read More...
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How Close To Chicago Did Watch_Dogs Go? Let Us See
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of May 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
A new feature for Watch_Dogs shows how close to the real world version of Chicago the developers went. Just in case you were wondering about just what the headline asked we have a new developer video showing just that for Watch_Dogs. All of the landmarks. All of the streets. All of the alleyways. They all look to have been handled with care from start to finish. Why would we expect any less for the new franchise that Ubisoft has already set out to milk for as much as they can keep it a good game? Just like Assassin's Creed… I will say it is a bit unsettling to hear that they only doubled the number of cameras on the streets of Chicago for Watch_Dogs. Read More...
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Carnage Is Confirmed For The Amazing Spider-Man 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of April 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
An exclusive trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 shows off one of the best villains in the Spider-Man universe; Carnage. Earlier this month we got a trailer showcasing the villains that will be in The Amazing Spider-Man 2. During said trailer there was a possible glimpse of Carnage which was something of great speculation. It all made sense based on the short scene and how this game is supposed to stay semi-close to the cinematic universe that has been re-cultivated. As the 'exclusive' trailer from MTV for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 shows, it can be confirmed for the game now. Read More...
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Skylanders Trap Team Introduces Another Way To Collect The Toys
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of April 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
Activision has announced Skylanders Trap Team which will allow you to collect the various villains as well as heroes. If there is one franchise that I know is a cash cow it is the Skylanders franchise from Activision and Toys For Bob. That cash cow is going to get a whole lot larger with the addition of Skylanders Trap Team this October 5th as we will get a slew of new heroes and a way to collect and play various villains. Yep, we are going to be able to start collecting the villains, including Kaos, but there is a catch. Pardon the pun. Read More...
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The Multiple Ways To Hack Others In Watch_Dogs
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of April 2014 - 07:18 PM ]
A new trailer showcasing the multiplayer modes of Watch_Dogs has been released online. It has been ell know for a while that Watch_Dogs is going to have multiplayer aspects. Even before these gameplay mechanics were even mentioned there were views of it in the gameplay trailers. It is high time that we finally get to see what exactly we will get to be doing and hacking while playing the multiplayer of Watch_Dogs. In the latest trailer we get to see three distinct modes. Let me break them down for you before you skip on to the trailer. Read More...
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Watch_Dogs Shows Us The Life Of A Hacker…With Giant Robot Spiders
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 23rd of April 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
A new developer interview has popped up on the internet showing Watch_Dogs on the PS4 as well as the life of a hacker. Man, Watch_Dogs really want to keep that moniker and title flowing after that amazing '95 film of the same name. I personally think cyber-terrorist or cyber-vigilante would fit better but it looks like we are getting a look at the 'future' of hacking yet again. On the plus side there is a whole slew of new gameplay on the PS4 version of Watch_Dogs so we can see how it will handle on the next-gen consoles before May 27th. That is a bit of a plus as things have not been so clear in earlier trailers. Read More...
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We Are Getting A Watch_Dogs 'Sequel' Already…In eBook Form
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 21st of April 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Ubisoft has announced an eBook sequel story to the events of Watch_Dogs slated to come out around the game's launch. Watch_Dogs is still about a month out from launch and there is already a talk about a sequel to the game's story. This isn't another quick turnaround for another game in the new franchise but an eBook titled Watch_Dogs //n/Dark Clouds. Kind of an interesting way to go about it there but it does fit into Ubisoft's want for all IPs to be able to have a franchise built around it. From what has been stated so far don't expect it to be just a continuation of the story in Watch_Dogs the game but a whole new story in the same universe written by John Shirley. Read More...
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See How Watch_Dogs Is Meant To Be Played… By The PC Master Race
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 10th of April 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
Ubisoft and NVIDIA have released a new trailer showing off how visually stunning Watch_Dogs will be on the PC. For all of those out there who complained about Watch_Dogs having downgrade visuals I have a new trailer for you to look at. It is a look at how Ubisoft and NVIDIA have 'teamed up' to give us the most visually stunning version of the game we can imagine. In fact, this looks like the visuals that got everyone extremely excited from the original announcement of Watch_Dogs. If you are still doubtful I will let you watch the following trailer in peace right now then follow it up with some more commentary. Read More...
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Watch_Dogs Wants To Show You Your Digital Shadow
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 7th of April 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
A new marketing campaign for Watch_Dogs has hit Facebook to show you how much can be gleaned from your account. Just in case you need something to tide you over until Watch_Dogs releases on May 27th, Ubisoft has just turned on its latest marketing fun for us all via a Facebook 'app'. In this case it is a Facebook app called Digital Shadow that is made to look like you are being tracked via your presence on Facebook. Granted this is something that can be done fairly easily due to the fact that most people forget that everything they do online in the real world can become public in the real world, but that is just social commentary mumbo jumbo I'll put aside for now. I personally gave it a whirl and was glad to see that if this were for real no one would truly be able to track me down based on the information I let lose into the virtual world. Read More...
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The Villains Of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Might Include Carnage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of April 2014 - 07:01 PM ]
There is a new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 showcasing some of the other villains Spider-Man will have to bring down. When it comes to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 visually what has been shown hasn't been as impressive as with The Amazing Spider-Man. This could be as we have been spoiled over the last few months with next gen graphics and all we seem to be getting are trailers for the last gen systems. If this is the case then we might have to rely just on the fun factor of the game as well as the story. What makes an interesting story for Spider-Man is usually the villains and their overall goals. Read More...
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