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CES 2012: Nyko Gets You Ready For Vita
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 20th of January 2012 - 10:47 PM ]
With the US release of the PlayStation Vita looming on February 22nd, CES 2012 was buzzing with information about the handheld device. One aspect you may not have considered is about what kind of peripheral hardware will be available to utilize with your PS Vita. I can tell you that Nyko has spent a lot of time considering the needs of the Vita consumer and they have you covered. I stopped by the Nyko booth at CES and found a solid Vita hardware lineup for you to enjoy. First, the item that stood out the most was the Speaker Stand. Read More...
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Add Another Title To The PS Vita's List, Mortal Kombat
by Fred Buell [ Friday, 20th of January 2012 - 07:50 PM ]
As if this wasn't to be expected right and why not? The most recent Mortal Kombat was a great revitalization to the franchise so it would be a great idea to port it over to Sony's new portable device. Let's just hope that it isn't just a search to milk more money out of our wallets. Let's see what was also announced with this. All Of The PS3 Content - This includes all of the DLC that has come out as well as Kratos. From the classic costumes to Freddy. Read More...
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Resident Evil 6 Officially Announced Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of January 2012 - 12:10 AM ]
So there were loads of rumors yesterday and today that Capcom was working up to the announcement of Resident Evil 6. I'm talking a lot. All of them pointing at some kind of announcement that was to be made today (1/19/12). For some reason no one could wait patiently 24 hours; not even some GameStop who thought they would ruin things. But in the end RE6 is now official and slated for release on November 20, 2012. Almost a month before the world is supposed to implode and such. Read More...
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Who Wants A Free PS Mini? Take One.
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of January 2012 - 09:58 PM ]
Do you want one? You know you do. Well here's some good news. We have some free codes for the PS Mini Marbians. A tale of exploration and trying to bounce aliens back onto their spaceships. The best part is that it is free. If you look below, you'll see five free codes for the game. Plain and simple, the first five people to use the codes get the game. We'd appreciate if you post when you use the code and let us know. If you are not lucky enough to get a code, don't worry, we have a few more. Read More...
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Do You Wonder What Ryder White Was Thinking In Dead Island?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of January 2012 - 07:07 PM ]
If you are like me you might be curious on the motivations of antagonists in films and games. I mean not ever villain is like the Joker who just does messed up stuff for the sake of doing it. There is usually a motivation behind their actions. Well it looks like next month we all will get the chance to see what Ryder White had planned besides just trying to save his wife and self. According to the announcement the DLC, aptly titled Ryder White, will add several hours of game play where you will actually play as White. We will all know how it will end, but we will get more information on the overall story of Dead Island as well as what else was going on while the main four were doing their thing. Read More...
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2K's XCOM Has Been Delayed Until 2013
by Fred Buell [ Thursday, 19th of January 2012 - 05:04 PM ]
More or less the title here says it all. XCOM won't be coming out this year unless there is some craziness that happens in the coming 11 months. This could happen, but as of now it does not seem all that likely. I do have to say though, I find this extremely odd given what we've seen over the last two years. At E3 2011 XCOM actually looked like it was in the final stages of alpha testing and would soon be moving into the beta phase. It looked like it handled very well and all of the features that the dev team talked about were implemented extremely well. Read More...
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Get Blown Away By Some New Hitman Absolution Screens
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of January 2012 - 10:46 PM ]
Yes the title is cliché but what else did you expect here? There is an ass load of new screen shots from Hitman: Absolution here to show and most of them are showing Agent 47 doing what he does best. I mean honestly what did you expect? If it was more, then go ahead and read on. If not, you can check out the new screen below. They are a site to behold. Now for those who expected more, what were you thinking? Read More...
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Here Is The Teaser For The Tester And...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of January 2012 - 07:00 PM ]
It looks like all of my thoughts from before about the new season of The Tester were about right. Either that or the editors of this teaser thought it would be best to show the entire cast failing and being told they ALL have failed. It's like they want to show that they chose the worst of the worst for the competition as long as they look good or 'act' humorous the entire time. Go ahead and watch the teaser and tell me that is not the first thing that comes to mind after watching. I'll wait as usual. Read More...
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CES 2012 Hands On: Sorcery
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of January 2012 - 11:02 PM ]
Here's a title that was announced when the Move controller was first brought up on the E3 show floor. Since then, there has been very little on Sorcery outside of the recent game play videos. You can only imagine how I felt when I saw that Sony was showing this title off in their gaming section at CES. Finally we got to see how the game has evolved and how it will actually play. Also if it was going to hold up to my anticipations of being a Move game that could actually push the motion controller off of shelves and into use. Read More...
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CES 2012 Hands On: I Am Alive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 16th of January 2012 - 07:07 PM ]
Talk about a game that has an aptronym. That's a name that describes what it does for those scratching their head there. I Am Alive has survived a near cancelation and multiple delays since it was first announced Darkworks was developing it almost four years ago. It was brought in house to Ubisoft Shanghai and is still very much alive. In fact I got to get all handsie with a demo being shown by the game's director. So let me break down where the game is now from the original announcement. Read More...
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CES 2012: Sony Wants You To Go 3G
by Brian Bentley [ Saturday, 14th of January 2012 - 12:53 AM ]
During CES this year, Sony made more than a few announcements to entice users to not only purchase a PlayStation Vita, but for them to invest the extra $50 and spring for the 3G model. For the unfamiliar, the 3G data will be provided by AT&T. Ever since Sony announced the 3G version at E3 2011, there have been more than a few skeptics as to how useful a 3G version would be. I am of the opinion that Sony heard the cries of their constituents and worked with AT&T and their other partners to attempt to make the 3G model appealing. Here is a list of factors that may have you thinking about going 3G. Read More...
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Asura's Wrath Demo Is Out Now
by Matt Waitt [ Friday, 13th of January 2012 - 03:19 PM ]
Have you guys tried the demo to Asura's Wrath yet? If not, what are you waiting for? This new IP from Cyber Connect 2 and Capcom features some of the most epic fights I've seen in my life thus far. The demo only features two levels early on in the game, but holy crap they are intense. The first boss fight pits you against a gigantic stone god that resembles a bit like Buddha; words are exchanged and a flood of quick time and button mashing events ensue that are sure to get your heart rate skyrocketing. After falcon-punching this god's face a few dozen times, he apparently activates his beast mode and jumps up into the sky. Next we encounter this boss, he has grown - a lot. Read More...
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CES 2012: Six Facts About The PS Vita
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 13th of January 2012 - 12:55 AM ]
I will be one of the first people to admit that I have remained skeptical on the PlayStation Vita - even after putting hands on to the high-end handheld at E3 2011. The announced price point of $250 for the wi-fi version wasn't even enough to convince me. Then compounded on that the decrease in sales in the Japanese market after launch, I was beginning to believe that I would be definitely passing on the Vita. I'm not going to say that I've been thoroughly convinced here at CES 2012, but with only a month or so remaining until the US launch of the PlayStation Vita, my views have definitely shifted away from doubtful towards probable. Here are some of the things I've learned here at CES that may help move you as well. Read More...
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Kill Goths, Gingers & Hippies In South Park
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of January 2012 - 08:01 PM ]
So given all of the issues that the kids from South Park have taken on in the show, you'd figure it would be easy to assume that some of these people, places or things would make it over into South Park: The Game. Those assumptions obviously would be right and by looking below you can see a few new shots of the RPG title in the works at Obsidian Entertainment and THQ. All of which are assumed to be in game of course. Not that we could really tell the difference here as the whole game is being done in the same style as the show. Read More...
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CES 2012: AT&T Reveals PS Vita Data Pricing Structure
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 9th of January 2012 - 07:59 PM ]
At the AT&T Dev Summit this morning, the large phone carrier announced the price structure for the 3G data plans to be offered to owners of the PlayStation Vita who have spent the extra $50 for the 3G-enabled version of the handheld device. Announced on their twitter, AT&T put forth that for $14.99, you can use 250MB of data, while $25 will afford you 2GB. The best part of this announcement is that both plans will come to you contract-free. Read More...
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