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Review: Sorcery
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 27th of June 2012 - 04:55 PM ]
Sorcery was shown to all of us over two years ago at E3 as a "tech demo" of sorts to show off the cool things that Sony had in store for us with motion gaming. It was the first real "wow" thing for the Move and then it kind of went silent. Then it popped back into existence all of a sudden to try and sell more of the controllers that were losing their steam in a market that doesn't really want motion controls. But does that mean that this is just some slopware? Well keep reading if you wish to know. Read More...
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Here Is What Sorcery's Story Is About
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of April 2012 - 10:02 PM ]
I know we've shown quite a bit of Sorcery on here but there has never been any real substance as to what the story of the game is all about. We've covered the early visuals, the early controls and the early basics of the game but we have yet to actually go over the story of the game. You know that one thing that a lot of you gamers out there glance over just to jump in and enact your twisted fantasies. Good news for those out there that were hoping to get some story to go along with all the above. The basics of the story have just been loosed on the internet for us to get some kind of idea. Read More...
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CES 2012 Hands On: Sorcery
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of January 2012 - 11:02 PM ]
Here's a title that was announced when the Move controller was first brought up on the E3 show floor. Since then, there has been very little on Sorcery outside of the recent game play videos. You can only imagine how I felt when I saw that Sony was showing this title off in their gaming section at CES. Finally we got to see how the game has evolved and how it will actually play. Also if it was going to hold up to my anticipations of being a Move game that could actually push the motion controller off of shelves and into use. Read More...
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Gingerly Touch Your Swords Together. Sorcery Is Still Alive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of December 2011 - 10:43 PM ]
I remember way back in 2010 when Sorcery was first shown off to the world at E3 during Sony's press conference. Then there was a surprising lack of anything to do with the game except the parallels with Medieval Moves: Deadmunds Quests, which I'll admit I thought was a redesign since Sorcery was labeled a working title. But now, I am overly surprised and happy to bring you some new footage and visuals for Sorcery, which no longer seems a working title now. You might be thinking to yourself right now, "Wait, why are you so excited for this game? Read More...
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Gamescom 2010 Video Swarm [Part 2]
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of August 2010 - 08:55 PM ]
I hope you were not overwhelmed by the last batch of videos we brought to you from Gamescom 2010. There were a whole lot of new videos pumped out into cyberspace as we said before. Therefore, we would bring out even more of those videos posted throughout the convention's entire run. Just so you know what you are in store for, let me give you a quick over view: we have trailers for Sorcery, Patapon 3, Costume Quest, DC Universe and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. There is also some cool game play from Crysis 2 showing off the multiplayer aspect of the game. Not to mention, we have the two huge announcements from Insomniac Games: Resistance 3 and Ratchet and Clank: All 4 One - all great watches for you. Read More...
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