You might be thinking to yourself right now, "Wait, why are you so excited for this game?" Simply put, it actually looks like a game that will make great use of the Move controls. It looked that way during the early stages and it looks the same way now. Just like when there is an amazing looking game on the Wii, I will get excited when I am given an excuse to actually pull out the Motion controls. They collect a lot of dust around my gamer haven. I also paid good money for them and when good looking games are few and far between, I will get excited.
I will follow up with that it does have a bit of a childish look to it, in the aspect that it looks like it was designed for a wider age span than your average gamer demographic. That doesn't seem to bother me all that much. Not all great games need to have untold amounts of gore and blood. If the controls of the game marry well with everything else, I truly think the PlayStation will have a good excuse to have the motion controls outside of trying to trick gamers into thinking their game is different because they can use the Sharp Shooter or build new LBP levels.
What do you all think? Do you feel as I feel and see as I see? I hope I am not let down this Spring.
Game Play