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Sony Is Reinventing Horror But Is It Until Dawn?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 11th of August 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
The third teaser for what PlayStation is going to reveal at Gamescom is out and points more at Until Dawn We are now only a day away from finding out if Sony is teasing Until Dawn in their teaser videos leading up to their Gamescom conference. Now that we are only a mere day away we also have received yet another teaser with a bit more looking like it is a PS4 version of Until Dawn. Each of the last two looked to being pointing in that direction and the most recent almost looks to confirm. If you want to see for yourself here is that latest teaser video. Read More...
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Is Sony Teasing Until Dawn For Gamescom 2014?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 7th of August 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Two new teasers clips have popped up from Sony surrounding something to be revealed at Gamescom. Could it be Until Dawn? I remember two years ago being so excited for Until Dawn when it was announced at Gamescom during the PlayStation press briefing. Then the title from Supermassive Games, which was slated to use the PS Move to its full extent, kind of just vanished. No word from anyone and then no word at all from anyone over at the developer/publisher for Until Dawn. Like I said when it was announced, "It looks like a teen horror game I'd love. Read More...
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Until Dawn Looks Like A Teen Horror I'd Love To Play
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of August 2012 - 04:38 PM ]
Sony announces Until Dawn for the PS3 during their press conference at Gamescom 2012 During the Sony press conference at Gamescom 2012 there were a few new IPs announced, but the one that caught my attention the most was Until Dawn. A new survival horror game that was designed with the PS Move in mind. Yea, I know that is where the selling point kind of loses a lot of people. I know I'm no fan of motion controls in the least bit, but they can be done right. Read More...
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Review: Sorcery
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 27th of June 2012 - 04:55 PM ]
Sorcery was shown to all of us over two years ago at E3 as a "tech demo" of sorts to show off the cool things that Sony had in store for us with motion gaming. It was the first real "wow" thing for the Move and then it kind of went silent. Then it popped back into existence all of a sudden to try and sell more of the controllers that were losing their steam in a market that doesn't really want motion controls. But does that mean that this is just some slopware? Well keep reading if you wish to know. Read More...
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PlayStation E3 2012 Press Conference Recap
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 5th of June 2012 - 02:17 PM ]
Did you somehow miss the PlayStation/Sony Press Conference for this year's E3? With so many different ways to watch it and keep up to date, it is a little difficult to believe that could be the case. Lucky for those four or five people out there, I was on the floor watching everything live for you. Also lucky for you, I took the time to gather up a bit of the highlights of the show as well as a three part showing at the very bottom. I really am just the best, aren't I? Before I let you go on and watch things, let me recap for you to try and save you time. Read More...
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Here Is What Sorcery's Story Is About
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of April 2012 - 10:02 PM ]
I know we've shown quite a bit of Sorcery on here but there has never been any real substance as to what the story of the game is all about. We've covered the early visuals, the early controls and the early basics of the game but we have yet to actually go over the story of the game. You know that one thing that a lot of you gamers out there glance over just to jump in and enact your twisted fantasies. Good news for those out there that were hoping to get some story to go along with all the above. The basics of the story have just been loosed on the internet for us to get some kind of idea. Read More...
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CES 2012 Hands On: Sorcery
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 17th of January 2012 - 11:02 PM ]
Here's a title that was announced when the Move controller was first brought up on the E3 show floor. Since then, there has been very little on Sorcery outside of the recent game play videos. You can only imagine how I felt when I saw that Sony was showing this title off in their gaming section at CES. Finally we got to see how the game has evolved and how it will actually play. Also if it was going to hold up to my anticipations of being a Move game that could actually push the motion controller off of shelves and into use. Read More...
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Gingerly Touch Your Swords Together. Sorcery Is Still Alive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of December 2011 - 10:43 PM ]
I remember way back in 2010 when Sorcery was first shown off to the world at E3 during Sony's press conference. Then there was a surprising lack of anything to do with the game except the parallels with Medieval Moves: Deadmunds Quests, which I'll admit I thought was a redesign since Sorcery was labeled a working title. But now, I am overly surprised and happy to bring you some new footage and visuals for Sorcery, which no longer seems a working title now. You might be thinking to yourself right now, "Wait, why are you so excited for this game? Read More...
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House Of The Dead: Overkill Ext. Cut Moving To PS3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 28th of May 2011 - 07:20 PM ]
I knew holding out would pay off. I knew that one day House Of The Dead: Overkill would be hoping onto the PS3 so I could hear all 189 of those F-Bombs that are laced throughout the story. I'm sure they are all tastefully positioned for story purposes and not to crack some kind of record… Although seeing as this is the extended cut of the game coming to the PS3 I have a feeling that the record is going to be broken with a few hundred more tastefully placed F-Bombs. There are a whole two more stages to pack full of the profanity. Lets' do a little math on this. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Seventy Five: E3 2010 Wrap-Up
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 16th of August 2010 - 01:55 PM ]
Despite reports that the AggroCast team is dead, we are still alive and kicking...and playing games to boot. While we catch up on our lives during this summer, you too can catch up with some previously unreleased episodes of the AggroCast. Start with Episode 75, the one where David, Binh and Brian wrap up E3 2010. The team spent their last day at E3 scrambling around looking and playing anything they could get their grubby little hands on. This list includes some of the latest games from Bethesda and Square-Enix's Final Fantasy XIV. Read More...
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E3 2010: Getting our Move on
by Brian Bentley [ Sunday, 27th of June 2010 - 04:27 AM ]
After witnessing the success of the Nintendo Wii, the market for games using motion control steamed up at last year’s E3 with the announcement of Microsoft’s Natal Kinect and Sony’s Playstation Move.  Fast-forward a year to this year’s E3 and to Sony’s booth where Binh and I were able to spend a little time with the Playstation Move.  Let the waggle begin.With a lot of E3 focused on either 3D gaming or motion control, Sony’s Eyepet gives you plenty of both. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Seventy Three: E3 2010 Day 1
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 17th of June 2010 - 04:05 AM ]
The Aggrogamer team of David, Brian and Binh is in Los Angeles for the biggest Video Game event of the year - E3. The past couple of days have been interesting for the team as they talk about the Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony conferences along with EA and Activison. They also went to the show floor and spent a bit of time with Haromix to see Rock Band 3 and Dance Central. Continue to stay tuned to the Aggrocast and for more E3 2010 coverage. Read More...
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Microsoft's Project Natal To Be Priced At $149
by Brian Goodman [ Thursday, 27th of May 2010 - 11:32 PM ]
Accoriding to a report from Edge-Online today Microsoft has set a $149 price tag on its upcoming motion capture camera dubbed "Project Natal". This price is three times the original rumored price of $49. To keep it relative the anticipated pricepoint of Sony's similar upcoming hardware release "move" is rumored to be only $99. Will Microsoft sell the millions of units to the casual and non-traditional gaming crowd that it anticipates at this price point? Will Sony destroy any possibility of success with its newly announced 31% of the console market and its significantly cheaper "Move"? Read More...
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