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Infliction: Extended Cut Is Coming To Most Consoles This Month
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of February 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Infliction The release date for Infliction: Extended Cut is set down for the PS4 and Xbox One with Infliction hitting the Switch later Well, it looks like we finally have a release date for Infliction: Extended Cut on the PS4 and Xbox One and that would be February 25th now. Sure, Caustic Reality and Blowfish Studios have had the game out there on the PC for a while now but this is a nice new packaging for the consoles here that will soon be ready for a whole new branch of gamer out there. Hopefully you have not spoiled Infliction with streamed videos as of yet. More so for those looking to get the game on the Switch, as you may have noticed that the game is not coming to that platform at the same time now. Read More...
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House Of The Dead: Overkill Ext. Cut Moving To PS3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 28th of May 2011 - 07:20 PM ]
I knew holding out would pay off. I knew that one day House Of The Dead: Overkill would be hoping onto the PS3 so I could hear all 189 of those F-Bombs that are laced throughout the story. I'm sure they are all tastefully positioned for story purposes and not to crack some kind of record… Although seeing as this is the extended cut of the game coming to the PS3 I have a feeling that the record is going to be broken with a few hundred more tastefully placed F-Bombs. There are a whole two more stages to pack full of the profanity. Lets' do a little math on this. Read More...
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