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Review: Rock Band 3 [Gamer Version]
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of October 2010 - 08:53 PM ]
So here we go again. Another rhythm game comes to the market, only this time it is one that is truly trying to innovate the genre. I am talking in more ways than just trying to add new ways to play songs in the way of four guitars or adding challenges to earn more points and "stars." Though we already knew that Rock Band 3 was adding in a new instrument and a "Learn To Play Real Instruments" mode, it's how they went about it that changes the genre. This of course makes Rock Band 3 more than just another game. Being that there is so much going on with Rock Band 3, I've decided to break it up into two reviews. Read More...
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'New' View of Rock Band 3's Keyboards
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 10th of September 2010 - 03:13 PM ]
We are getting closer to the launch of Rock Band 3 every day. That is the way time works. It also seems with each passing day some new bit of news about the keyboard peripheral show up, or at least gets rehashed with the guise of being new. It's either that or the guys over at Harmonix don't think that we gamers really understand that the new keyboards are coming out and will change part of the way the game is played. Stating all of that, here is yet another video showcasing the new keyboards for Rock Band 3. This time with one of the developers giving you the run down. Read More...
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For The Lazy, Here's The Rock Band 3 Track List
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of August 2010 - 09:43 PM ]
In case you missed the leak from Gamescom and also didn't want to try and pick out the tracks from Harmonix's response to the leak, let us give you a nice full list for you. Isn't that nice that you don't have to go on hearsay or do any work for yourself? You can now scroll through and get excited or upset as need be based on the new tracks coming on the Rock Band 3 disc. Here you go with all 83 tracks. Finally some Ramms+ein, Hendrix, Low Rider and Free Bird is back. Read More...
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Rock Band 3 Inadvertently Smiles for Camera at Gamescom
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of August 2010 - 05:32 PM ]
<UPDATE> So because media outlets got the jump on confirming all the tracks in Rock Band 3 Harmonix decided to come out and "un-officially" confirm the rumors listed below. Way to try to cover up your mess there. But this isn't an announcement no matter how you try to play it. You guys screwed up and this is damage control. Just call it as it is. Source </UPDATE> You would think that in the "YouTube" generation everyone would realize that there are cameras everywhere. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Seventy Three: E3 2010 Day 1
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 17th of June 2010 - 04:05 AM ]
The Aggrogamer team of David, Brian and Binh is in Los Angeles for the biggest Video Game event of the year - E3. The past couple of days have been interesting for the team as they talk about the Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony conferences along with EA and Activison. They also went to the show floor and spent a bit of time with Haromix to see Rock Band 3 and Dance Central. Continue to stay tuned to the Aggrocast and for more E3 2010 coverage. Read More...
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