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Rock Band 3 Inadvertently Smiles for Camera at Gamescom
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of August 2010 - 05:32 PM ]
<UPDATE> So because media outlets got the jump on confirming all the tracks in Rock Band 3 Harmonix decided to come out and "un-officially" confirm the rumors listed below. Way to try to cover up your mess there. But this isn't an announcement no matter how you try to play it. You guys screwed up and this is damage control. Just call it as it is. Source </UPDATE> You would think that in the "YouTube" generation everyone would realize that there are cameras everywhere. Read More...
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Torchlight II Teaser Causing Salivation
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 19th of August 2010 - 09:14 PM ]
With the crazy amount of news coming out of Gamescom this year, even a little teaser trailer of the recently announced Torchlight 2 is generating plenty of buzz. Besides showing some outdoor environments, there really isn't a whole lot shown here, but the teaser did absolutely everything it needed to accomplish - raise the level of excitement and anticipation. I think our very own Corey Dockendorf demonstrated the proof in the pudding when he instant messaged me shortly after watching the trailer: "The new levels look pretty epic. If you all don't play with me, I'm gonna be pissed. Read More...
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More Songs Revealed For Dance Central
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 17th of August 2010 - 04:43 PM ]
Today more songs were revealed for Harmonix's Dance Central at Gamescom 2010. Currently one of the only games worth purchasing Microsoft's Kinect, Dance Central combines music, fun and dancing to create an experience unlike any other. I know that phrase is used an awful lot in this industry, but after experiencing it for myself at E3, I can definitively say I will purchase a XBox 360 and a Kinect specifically for this title. With today's announcement, the song list increases to 20. With only 30+ songs promised on the disc, you may be concerned about the depth of the roster, but with a list that now includes Rihanna's "Pon de Replay" and Technotronic's "Pump Up the Jam", I don't think you have too much to worry about. Read More...
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