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All The Torchlight II Info You'll Ever Need
by Matt Waitt [ Friday, 31st of August 2012 - 05:22 PM ]
One of my favorite dungeon crawlers returns later this month on Steam. That's right, Torchlight II finally has a release date and in honor of that I would like to inform all of you with knowledge! For knowledge is power! Yeah, I don't know what I'm babbling about. I'm just really excited for Torchlight II. Well, enough of that. Let's get on with the goodies. Read More...
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Top 5 Items Pushed Into 2012
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 28th of December 2011 - 05:05 PM ]
As 2011 comes to a close, it's easy to point out that once again the games industry has had an incredible year of releases. So many in fact, it would be simple to say that games pushed in to 2012 are okay because we already have so much to play. While I do not necessarily disagree with that statement, I think about the games already slated for next year that I want to play - i.e. BioShock Infinite, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Tomb Raider and XCOM - and I'm wondering when I will find the time to get into the things that were pushed back from 2011. Read More...
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E3 2011 Impressions: Torchlight II
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 13th of June 2011 - 11:34 PM ]
When I stumbled upon Torchlight during 2009’s E3, I knew I had found something special. Of all the games I came away wowed by during that show, Torchlight was definitely one that stood out in my mind after the buzz wore off. Fast forward to 2011, as Runic Games attempts to make a repeat performance at E3 with Torchlight II. At first glance, you will feel a familiarity with Torchlight II. The art style hasn't changed dramatically, though they seemed to have spruced up some of the textures. Read More...
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Torchlight To Light Up XBLA
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 10th of January 2011 - 10:04 PM ]
It's official, Torchlight is coming to XBox Live Arcade and it's completely changing the way you play the Torchlight series. Runic Games announced it's popular RPG, Torchlight will be released with the upcoming House Party series on XBLA. Before we get into this further, there are currently no talks of putting the game on PSN. According to Runic Games, this is being published title by Microsoft, so don't expect a PSN port anytime soon. So what changes can we expect? Read More...
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Torchlight II Teaser Causing Salivation
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 19th of August 2010 - 09:14 PM ]
With the crazy amount of news coming out of Gamescom this year, even a little teaser trailer of the recently announced Torchlight 2 is generating plenty of buzz. Besides showing some outdoor environments, there really isn't a whole lot shown here, but the teaser did absolutely everything it needed to accomplish - raise the level of excitement and anticipation. I think our very own Corey Dockendorf demonstrated the proof in the pudding when he instant messaged me shortly after watching the trailer: "The new levels look pretty epic. If you all don't play with me, I'm gonna be pissed. Read More...
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Runic Games Announces Torchlight II
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 4th of August 2010 - 03:58 PM ]
Today via Twitter, Runic Games announced the highly anticipated sequel to last year's hit action-RPG, Torchlight. While only a teaser website today, Torchlight II looks to bring everything that made the original successful, build upon it and enable co-op game play. New classes to play, new TorchEd modification editor and a new user interface are just a few of the features already listed for Torchlight II. Did I mention Co-Op multiplayer? I was a big fan of Torchlight and while the fans (myself included) patiently wait for Torchlight MMO; this will definitely tide us over until then. Read More...
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Torchlight Gets The Okay To Travel To Europe
by Binh Nguyen [ Friday, 5th of February 2010 - 07:23 PM ]
Torchlight is one of 2009's unexpected games that everyone seemed to enjoy. If you do not know what Torchlight is, and shame on you for not knowing, let me tell you. Torchlight was developed by Runic Games with the team consists of former Diablo creators Max and Erich Schaefer and several more famous representatives of the international game dev scene. The game plays similar to the original Diablo games that was made from Blizzard Entertainment. Austrian publisher JoWooD Entertainment has obtained the rights to distribute Torchlight, adding another triple-A title to the JoWooD’s family. Read More...
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Steam Achievements Added to Torchlight
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 23rd of December 2009 - 04:35 PM ]
We, as humans, are a competitive, goal-oriented species.  The category of humans known as gamers are characteristically more so.  So when little goals outside of the main game play were created on platforms this console generation (Achievements on Xbox 360 and Steam, trophies on the PS3), gamers took to them with a ferocity only matched by the public's outrage to the release of Coke 2.  The obsession with achievements has grown to the point that people will go out of their way to grind away for hours, simply to have the tiny extrinsic award.  As a bit of an afterthought and most likely a reward to the fans, last week Runic Games released over 60 achievements that may be earned on Steam for their critically acclaimed action-RPG Torchlight. Read More...
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Runic Games Releases Highly Anticipated Torchlight Editor
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 12th of November 2009 - 03:05 PM ]
This is not a review of the editor, though if you are looking for my review of the single player, click here.The highly anticipated level editor for Torchlight was released on Wednesday night by Runic Games.  Aptly named TorchED, Runic is giving players a chance to really delve into the world of Torchlight and get their hands dirty with as many ember-enriched assets as they can.  The editor is lock-and-loaded with everything in the game and then some.  I'm serious when I say everything. Read More...
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Review: Torchlight
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 6th of November 2009 - 04:30 PM ]
There are times in any gamer’s life when you find yourself blearily looking for a clock, attempting to adjust your eyes to read the time. You find yourself trying to comprehend how the time reported is much later than the internal clock in your head. How much time have you lost? Minutes? Hours? If Runic Games is using that time as a measure of success of their recently released Action-RPG Torchlight, there must be a party in Washington every night! The story begins in the small mining village of Torchlight. Ember, a mineral of extraordinary power (and possible corruption) was found in a nearby mine. Read More...
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Torchlight Picking Up Steam For Day One
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 14th of October 2009 - 09:08 PM ]
Yesterday Runic Games announced that Torchlight will be available day one on Steam. Making a big splash at E3 and then at PAX, Torchlight has been winning hearts and minds with its intuitive and fun playstyle. We here at AggroGamer have been big fans from the beginning, and the announcement of a day one addition to Steam seals the deal. Bottom line, this is a great move for the folks over at Runic. Steam is a fantastic platform for distribution. Read More...
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Torchlight - The Vanquisher Trailer
by Brian Bentley [ Saturday, 19th of September 2009 - 06:29 AM ]
Runic Games and their publishing partner, Perfect World Entertainment, released a trailer this week demonstrating the power and grace of the third and final class, The Vanquisher. For those of you that have followed Aggrogamer since E3, we've been big fans of Torchlight and I believe this trailer is a great example of what this title can bring you. This woman is part soldier, part ninja and all explosive. Mainly a ranged weapons user, she can fire on one target, use a spread to hit many or use the environment, bouncing off walls or going around corners. Read More...
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PAX 2009 Impression: Torchlight
by Binh Nguyen [ Sunday, 6th of September 2009 - 02:30 AM ]
On October 27th 2009, Runic Games will be releasing an Action Role Playing Game called Torchlight.  Action RPG huh, so you mean like Diablo? Yes, just like Diablo. It’s not as dark, nor as scary as Diablo, but the feel and the controls of the game would make it Diablo-ish.  But they aren’t stopping there. Runic Games is planning on making the game into a MMO, a FREE to play MMO, but will not be available until sometime in the future. They will probably be like Blizzard and they will release it when it’s done, and not rush its release. Read More...
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Torchlight Picking Up Momentum Heading into PAX
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 20th of August 2009 - 09:24 PM ]
With all the news flying out of Gamescon, you are no doubt thinking about PAX just 2 weeks away. For those of you lucky enough to attend, PAX will offer many unique experiences and plenty of time to go hands-on some fall releases. If you are going to be in attendance, I encourage you to visit the Torchlight booth (#872) and tryout one of the sleeper hits of E3 last June. Torchlight is a dungeon-crawling Action RPG from Runic Games, who just celebrated their first anniversary. A lot has happened for Torchlight in the last two months as they prepare for the fall release of the single player offering. Read More...
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E3 Hands-On Impressions: Torchlight
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 10th of June 2009 - 03:39 PM ]
Squirreled away in the back of the Los Angeles Convention Center’s West Hall during E3, Perfect World Entertainment showed off Runic Games’ Torchlight along with their other Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games.  Only minutes after putting my hands on this little dungeon crawler had I decided this game had no business being in the back any longer.  Torchlight by Runic Games is set as a Diablo-esque dungeon-crawling Action RPG, which is actually a good thing since the people behind it are some of the same people behind Diablo and Fate.  The story is that near the small mining town of Torchlight, a rich vein of ore has been found called Ember. Read More...
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