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Steam Achievements Added to Torchlight
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 23rd of December 2009 - 04:35 PM ]
We, as humans, are a competitive, goal-oriented species.  The category of humans known as gamers are characteristically more so.  So when little goals outside of the main game play were created on platforms this console generation (Achievements on Xbox 360 and Steam, trophies on the PS3), gamers took to them with a ferocity only matched by the public's outrage to the release of Coke 2.  The obsession with achievements has grown to the point that people will go out of their way to grind away for hours, simply to have the tiny extrinsic award.  As a bit of an afterthought and most likely a reward to the fans, last week Runic Games released over 60 achievements that may be earned on Steam for their critically acclaimed action-RPG Torchlight. Read More...
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