'New' View of Rock Band 3's Keyboards

Stating all of that, here is yet another video showcasing the new keyboards for Rock Band 3. This time with one of the developers giving you the run down. The exact same run down that I am sure you have read about a plethora of times from AggroGamer and other reputable gaming websites. Just in case you fall into the category of gamers who don't understand how the keyboards will change Rock Band 3, let me explain then you can watch the video.

The Break Down

  • It adds keyboards to the list of plastic instruments.
  • It plays like a real keyboard for songs that have keys in the song.
  • If the song doesn't have keys coded in, you can use it to play the guitar portions.
  • Now you can have 7 players for Rock Band
    • Three singers
    • Guitarist
    • Bassist
    • Drummer
    • Keyboardist

All hard concepts to understand right?