During the Sony press conference at Gamescom 2012 there were a few new IPs announced, but the one that caught my attention the most was Until Dawn. A new survival horror game that was designed with the PS Move in mind. Yea, I know that is where the selling point kind of loses a lot of people. I know I'm no fan of motion controls in the least bit, but they can be done right. Sorcery being an example of how I see it being done well. But there is much more than that to sell me on the title.
Looking past the controls, I can see potential in a game that has its roots in a genre of entertainment I love. Watch the trailer below and tell me that doesn't look like all of the horror films pumped out that get semi-good to rave reviews by horror fans. Go ahead. I'll wait.
It has all of the basic elements that pack theaters am I right? Pre-marital sex, creepy cabin in the woods, burlap sacks for masks and it all ends with a scantily clad woman being pulled through a door's window. All the things that make the genre fun. Unless using the Move controller to use items in game is ridiculously broke, I can honestly see Until Dawn gathering one of those "cult followings" I hear about.
I am ready for more details Sony, so please bring it. Please sell me on the controls so I can have yet another new franchise to pine over.