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Resident Evil 4, 5, And 6 Are Getting Remastered For XB1 & PS4
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 25th of February 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
Resident Evil It has been announced that Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 are getting the remaster treatment and will now bring almost all of the Resident Evil titles to the current gen systems If for some reason you didn't think you were going to be getting enough Resident Evil in 2016 then you are going to be greatly mistaken. In addition to the film and spin-off title that Capcom has in the works for us it also looks like Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 are all getting the remaster treatment for the PS4 and Xbox One and all three of them will be out on said systems before the end of the year. Hells, Resident Evil 6 will be hitting on March 29th so you know it will be soon. Read More...
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Resident Evil 6 May Be Shambling Onto The PS4 And XB1
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of November 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Resident Evil 6 Recently published game ratings for Resident Evil 6 have shown up and point to Resident Evil 6 making the jump to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One If it is to believed, we may be seeing Resident Evil 6 hitting the PS4 and Xbox One sometime in the not too distant future. Capcom has yet to make any kind of announcement about a port or HD move from the older consoles to the newer ones but Resident Evil 6 has been rated by the Korean Game Rating Board so it looks like it could happen. At least if the Biohazard 6 that they have rated is actually Resident Evil 6 and not some hidden government experiment that no one should know about yet. Wouldn't that be crazy and scary all at the same time? Read More...
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In Resident Evil 6 You Also Get To Play Ada Wong And B.O.W.s
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of August 2012 - 09:00 PM ]
The big news at E3 for Resident Evil 6 was that you were going to have a four play co-op mode in the game. Well it looks like that people who beat the game and wish to have a little more fun with the game, outside of re-playing the cross stories, will have two more options to look forward to. One will allow you to play as various B.O.W.s Read More...
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Here Comes A Whole Hoard Of New Resident Evil 6 Footage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of July 2012 - 09:07 PM ]
Some of you out there might have seen some of the new Resident Evil 6 footage and then again some of you might not have. If you fall into the former list then as the title suggest we have a whole slew of new things to show you for RE6. Things like still shots from the game and quite a bit of actual game play showing the different play styles and locations in the game. Also while it is not mentioned the bit that was used to show off the cross play feature before is what you are seeing in the Jake video. It isn't mentioned in the video, but you can see it so there is that too. Read More...
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E3 2012 Hands On: Resident Evil 6
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of June 2012 - 11:04 PM ]
Before I get in depth here for what I got to see and play for Resident Evil 6 I have to start off that this whole display was split more into two different parts. So that is kind of how I will break this down. The first part was focused more on the action and cross-story play and co-op of the campaign while the second part was some good old fashioned hands on time with a bit of Leon's story. Both of which were drastically different in style. Let me start with the Cross Story play first as it will help explain the four player co-op a bit better. Read More...
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Resident Evil 6's Release Date Pushed Forward
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of April 2012 - 04:38 PM ]
It's not often that something like this happens, but it looks like we will be getting Resident Evil 6 over a month earlier than originally announced. Not only that, but recently at Captivate we also got a whole slew of new visuals and a bit more on the story of the game. Don't believe me? Look below and you will see an awesome new trailer for the game. You will also get to find out that Wesker is still kind of kicking it in the RE universe in the form all parents can be immortal. Yes, read that as you will meet his kid. Read More...
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Resident Evil 6 Officially Announced Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of January 2012 - 12:10 AM ]
So there were loads of rumors yesterday and today that Capcom was working up to the announcement of Resident Evil 6. I'm talking a lot. All of them pointing at some kind of announcement that was to be made today (1/19/12). For some reason no one could wait patiently 24 hours; not even some GameStop who thought they would ruin things. But in the end RE6 is now official and slated for release on November 20, 2012. Almost a month before the world is supposed to implode and such. Read More...
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