- All Of The PS3 Content - This includes all of the DLC that has come out as well as Kratos. From the classic costumes to Freddy. So there is a nice bonus mixed in.
- Extra 150 PS Vita Exclusive Challenges - This will be in addition to the 300 challenges that originally shipped with the game. It was also mentioned that some of challenges will use the Accelerometer and Sixaxis controls. One example given was to use them to control gravity in the fight which reminds me of one of the current challenges but hey it's something.
- Touch Screen Fatalities - At first this sounds like a simplification like the climbing in Uncharted: Golden Abyss. You will be able to use the touch screen to input the motions to activate the fatalities. From what has been said though is that it will be more swipes in a direction than anything, but that is the basics of what has been talked about.
- No Connection Between The Vita&PS3 - At first you might be wondering how this is a feature but hear me out. Plain and simple this means that there will be no reason for you to have to buy both versions of the game. If you have yet to pick up MK on the PS3 but want to play, you can now just get this version and be done. More or less it is an option to help save you money.
Ok, I'll be honest; I don't see these additions being all that exciting to purchase the title again just to take mobile with me. Yea it will have all the DLC and a few exclusive additions, but I've already shelled out the cash for my console. I guess for someone who wants to save a few bucks not getting all the DLC it could be a good purchase. But let's all be honest, if you are picking up a Vita, you most likely already have a PS3. Why not just get the Komplete Kollection and call it a day?
Just my thoughts though. I also don't come from a background that is overly engrossed in mobile gaming. I'm sure it will sell a lot of copies, but it will take more than what is offered to get me to shell out for a game that will have been out for almost a year by the time it comes to the Vita.