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Economical PC: A Gaming PC Under $300
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Thursday, 17th of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
Our specs for a gaming PC build under $300. Go ahead and give it a build. Hello everyone! Welcome to the first installment of articles showing off a build for an economical PC. Today we are going to focus on the $200 to $300 price range. This is going to be a very low end build. This is a very good for a starter PC, or a PC to do light 3D gaming. Pretty much if you’re looking for a PC to play Minecraft or MMOs then this is the PC for you. When PC gaming on a budget eventually there will come a time when you might want to upgrade some things. Read More...
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This Week In Gaming 4/7/14 — 4/11/14
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of April 2014 - 09:00 PM ]
A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Gaming. It's PAX week and the madness has just begun for all things gaming right now. This is both good for the news and previews of games in our beloved industry but also usually leads to a news overload early on leaving the rest of us non-attendees wondering what the hells is going on out there. Lucky for you, we have wrangled up all of the news that we could get our hands on here in one nice little spot. All in the hopes to make it easier for you to get what you want then back to gaming. Read More...
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Rumor No More — Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Is Happening
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 9th of April 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel has been officially announced by Gearbox and 2K Australia. Looks like all the rumors were true. Earlier this week there were rumors abound about a supposed Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. I personally poked at the rumor but as it would turn out some other press outlet just broke the embargo on the announcement. If this forced Gearbox's hand to make things official is still up to debate but none the less here we have Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. As mentioned before, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel takes place after Borderlands but before Borderlands 2. Read More...
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Looks Like We Are Getting Marvel Characters In Our Disney Infinity 2.0
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 8th of April 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Marvel has teased that we will be getting some heroes for Disney Infinity 2.0. Captain America is the only 'confirmed' character for now. Earlier today Marvel teased some new characters coming for Disney Infinity in the 2.0 edition of the game. Well more new character but it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume that they are going to be pumping as many characters from their universe into the video game/toy cash cow. That and the use of the iconic "Assemble" phrases that go hand in hand with the Avengers, but for right now all we get is Captain America's shield flying around bringing down the baddies of Disney Infinity. Should we all be too shocked with this announcement or tease here? Read More...
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Rumor Mill: A Borderlands In-Between-Quel Is In The Works?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 7th of April 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
New rumors have cropped up that there will be a Borderlands title to gap the five years between the games. Hey fans of Borderlands and Borderlands 2. Have you ever wondered what happened between both titles to take Handsome Jack the proper villain he is stated to be? Well if the new rumors from GamePointsNow are to be believed that is what e 2K Australia is cooking up for us with a Borderlands 2 prequel. I would argue that Borderlands would be the prequel to that game myself but for now we will use the name that is being reported Borderlands: The Pre-sequel. All go into the nuts and bolts of what is being claimed in a second for this Borderlands in-between-quel but wasn't 2K Australia supposed to not be the name used anymore? Read More...
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The Villains Of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Might Include Carnage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of April 2014 - 07:01 PM ]
There is a new trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 showcasing some of the other villains Spider-Man will have to bring down. When it comes to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 visually what has been shown hasn't been as impressive as with The Amazing Spider-Man. This could be as we have been spoiled over the last few months with next gen graphics and all we seem to be getting are trailers for the last gen systems. If this is the case then we might have to rely just on the fun factor of the game as well as the story. What makes an interesting story for Spider-Man is usually the villains and their overall goals. Read More...
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Rumor Mill: PlayStation 4 Reputation System & PS Username Changes?
by Julia Schoebel [ Wednesday, 2nd of April 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
A new user survey for the PlayStation 4 has been sent to users and speculation begins on what some of the questions mean for the console. The first part of this is not a rumor but boy has it started the internet a buzz with other rumors and speculation. I am talking about a recent user survey sent out to some PlayStation 4 users out there. That is not the rumor. Nor is it rumor that some of the questions asked allude to a PSN reputation system and the ability to alter or change you PSN ID. Read More...
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A New Amazing Spider-Man 2 Gameplay & Dev Diary Video Swings Onto The Web
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 28th of March 2014 - 05:00 PM ]
There is a new Amazing Spider-Man 2 dev diary that digs into some of the new mechanics for the game. Should we be excited for this film video game? It really feels like the film version of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is getting so many more trailers than needed while the video game version of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has had so few. Only two before today for the game if memory and sleuthing serves me correctly. I'm pretty sure it does so I'll just move on with everything. Read More...
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Did You Miss The SXSW Tales From The Borderlands Panel? We Got You Covered
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Some new information and talks came out for Tales From The Borderlands at SXSW. Here is the whole panel showing off all that fun stuff. So back at the VGXs Telltale and Gearbox announced Tales From The Borderlands and that was about it, outside of a short little announcement trailer. Then a whole lot of silence and nothingness. I know you are all heart broken. Well the good news I have for you here is that during the annual SXSW conference in Austin both companies have decided to bring the con goers some new information and details. Read More...
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Review: Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of March 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
We Sit Down And Review Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2. This is the supposed finale to this iteration of the franchise but does it end on a high note? It is been a long time coming but I finally got to play Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2 in all of its glory and non-demo version. I've been a bit worried about the visuals of the game as well as the controls since I first laid hands on the first build. You can imagine that I wanted to put this to the test and see if this would be the way that Mercury Steam wanted to end the Lords of Shadow story. Let's bite into this review already and see if the franchise has been bled dry or if there is still a bit of immortality left. Read More...
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Happy Valentine's Day From Borderlands 2!
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Monday, 10th of February 2014 - 08:00 PM ]
With Valentine's day fast approaching love is in the air and what better way to spend Valentine's day as a gamer couple then playing some co-op in the loot fest that is Borderlands 2? Well, the new DLC pack will please all. The fourth Headhunters pack, Mad Moxxi And The Wedding Day Massacre, is centered on a marriage between the Hodunk and Zaford families from Borderlands 2. The main theme this go around is love. With the main quest line consisting of finding ingredients to make a love potion for Moxxi. Read More...
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The Last Of Us Cleaned Up Nicely At The DICE Awards
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of February 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
At The 17th Annual DICE Awards Last Night (2/6/14) It Looks Like The Last Of Us Cleaned Up Nicely. The Amazing Title Racked Up 10 Awards. Last night (2/6/14) wrapped up the 17th Annual DICE Awards and it looks like there was one clear winner; The Last Of Us from Naughty Dog. It picked up almost every win that it was nominated for to boot on losing out to titles like BioShock Infinite, World Of Tanks, GTAV, and technically The Last Of Us (It had two nominations in one category). In fact those were the only three that The Last Of Us didn't pick up out of the thirteen categories it was nominated for. That is more than half of the twenty-four total categories that were up for review, if you do the basic math. Read More...
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The Amazing Toys Made For Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of February 2014 - 10:00 PM ]
Here is a nice video clip showcasing what looks to be the entire boss fight for the Toy Maker in Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2. Spoiler alert if you can't understand that. So the title is a bit of a misnomer but none the less we have a nice new video for Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2. It features a character that was first introduced in Castlevania Lords Of Shadow — Mirror Of Fate; the Toy Maker. Don't fear if you still have no clue who that is by the way. The below video seems to pretty much give you what you need to know for CLoS2 as well as the entire boss fight from the looks of it. Read More...
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Join Us In Watching The DICE Summit From Your Home…Or Your Computer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of February 2014 - 06:00 PM ]
The DICE Summit is underway in Las Vegas, NV and we have a way for you to watch and enjoy every bit of it. Check out all of the sessions and the awards ceremony here. By the time you are reading this the annual DICE Summit will be underway in Las Vegas, NV. Everything officially kicked off at 9:30am PST but that doesn't mean you have to miss out at all. We have all of the scheduled talks and panels streaming right below for you to enjoy and pine over. Well at least all of the ones that are allowed to be streamed over the net. Read More...
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It's Time For A Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2 Voice Actor Montage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of January 2014 - 07:14 PM ]
The latest Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2 trailer gives a full montage of all the voice actors and major characters we will see in the game. Who doesn't like a good montage? Just in case we've all missed out on who will be in Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2, both character and voice-wise, we have been given a new trailer for the game defining just that. There are also a couple of in-game shots of the game's environments and gameplay but who cares about that? Am I right? Read More...
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